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The only thing worse than having an early morning exam was having an early morning exam rescheduled without warning.

I put my head on the counter and let the cold air of the Tim Hortons cool my body.

There was a jangle. I turned my head to be greeted with a heavily decorated backpack that had a pin of the bisexual flag and the flag of the Philippines.

"Mind if I sit here?"

Dark eyes met mine and my breath caught in my throat. I nodded my head absentmindedly, dumbstruck by how cute she was. She gave a small smile before taking the seat next to me. I uncrossed my legs and sat up as I felt suddenly self-conscious about my posture.

The room was getting fuller and students were gossiping amongst themselves. I glanced at the girl beside me and noticed that she had a textbook open as well.

"So... are you here because of Intro to Business too?" My hand fiddled with the zipper on my jacket.

"Yeah, I can't believe they just emailed us today that the exam was being pushed back to this afternoon." She rolled her eyes with a stressed smile before turning to me again. "I'm Andrea by the way."

"I'm Mai." I could feel my face getting warm from her stare. "Sucks that we're here, right? I thought I would be taking the exam and then go home immediately so I didn't bring my wallet. Not my smartest move."

She pursed her lips before grabbing something from her bag.

"Could you watch my stuff for a second?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah... sure."

She got up from her seat and walked to the counter. I felt a panic rise from within me as she left. Should I write my number and stuff it into her bag? How does flirting work again?

Ideas swirled in my head for some time as I thought over my options.

A plastic cup suddenly came into my view and I was snapped out of my trance.

Andrea had another cup in one hand and she gave an awkward smile. "Thought you would need a cold drink. I hope you're alright with a vanilla cold brew."

"It's fine, yeah. Thanks!"

I brought the cup to my lips. The drink was velvety and smooth. I instantly felt refreshed from the cold brew and I looked to Andrea. I noticed her lips were moving but I didn't catch the words. The room was now bustling with noise and energy and I could barely hear my own thoughts.


She leaned in closer and I instantly felt my face get warm again. "I said I like your Raptor's jacket."

"A-ah, thanks."

"Hey, do you want to walk around outside with me before the exam? It's starting to get loud in here."

I eagerly nodded and tried to hold back a smile. This day was turning out better than I expected.

"I'd love to."

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