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Word Count: 1916


The sunlight bathes my back, warming my senses.

I had to get out of the manor. Even the chance of seeing Kailor in person makes me feel sick to my stomach, not to mention I'm still wary of Tai. He's been avoiding talking about what happened with Marek, like he knows he is guilty of it, but doesn't want to have to explain it. I'm blaming it on the stress we are all under, the desperation for this all to end...But I can't help but wonder if it's worth it, if I'm hoping once it's done Tai will be back to normal again.

Wrapping my hand around a bunch of wildflower stems, I pick them, placing them in my wicker basket. This pretty meadow that flanks the estate is the only place I can get to without guards swarming around, watching my every move like they believe Kailor's rhetoric that I'm a traitor.

Maybe I am. I never told Tai Marek handed himself in...Marek could have ended up killing Tai.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I breathe in the fragrant air, concentrating on my task. I'll bring these back to Tai and put them in a pretty crystal vase, and I will feel much better.

If I'm not even capable of feeling good nowadays.

Glancing up, I frown, a figure approaching from the forest line. They are stumbling slightly, gait uneven. Squinting through the near blinding glare of the sun, I realise it's Marek. Looking around, I make sure there are no guards watching us, but stay in my spot, continuing to pick my wildflowers. I should have known Marek would take an opportunity to approach me when I'm alone.

He comes to stand in front of me, before sinking down to his knees. I observe him quietly. His bronze hair is damp , curling at the ends as it dries in the midday sun. He smells too, like alcohol. He doesn't look completely drunk, but he does look wrecked, dark shadows lingering under his eyes, sharp cheekbones taut.

"It's dangerous, you being so close. Kailor and Tai want you dead more than anything," I mutter, resuming my flower picking, ignoring the green stain it is leaving on the palm of my hand.

"They always have. I'm not in danger," he replies.

Sighing through my nose, I glare at him. There is so much I want to say, and yet I don't know how. His eyes are rimmed red, cheeks tinted a soft pink like he has been crying and rubbing his face because of it. Something in my stomach turns over uncomfortably.

"What happened to you?" I whisper. "Are you drunk?"

"I can't get drunk as a Tani," he replies, stretching his legs out in front of him, bracing his arms back behind him so he can tilt his head back, sun bathing him. He doesn't even bother hiding how irritated he is at that. "It's not for lack of trying, though."

"And what has brought you to day drink?"

He raises his head, cold, glacial blue eyes meeting mine. "Nesrin is dead."

"How do you know Nesrin?" I question, hoping he doesn't see it as an obvious dig for information. Maybe if I have confirmation that she didn't participate in anything bad, I could have a good enough case to blame Kailor for her unjust death. It would be all for nothing though, he can kill whoever he wants without mercy, and nothing bad would come of it.

"She worked with Vaia and I. She always had the best intentions," he responds, his voice tight. He really is hurt, not just putting on an act. "I made a terrible mistake, Akara."

"Mistake? How?"

The hurt in his eyes is unmissable. "I had to see you one last time, to make sure you were okay after what I witnessed, with you being so terribly sick. So I had Nesrin put herself in a position to get caught, so I could distract Tai and Kailor."

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