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After she had sent Mon-El away, Kara sat at the table in her kitchen resting her head on her hand as she tried to deal with her emotions. Kara felt sadness, anger, heartbreak, joy, pain, and loneliness all at once.  Sadness, pain, and heartbreak from losing the man she loved. Anger caused by being the reason she had to send Mon-El away. She experienced joy because Rhea was finally gone and Earth was saved. Lastly, loneliness by shutting herself off from everyone and feeling more like an alien.

The Kryptonian has been thinking that she wasn't broken because it was a human thing. She also believed that being Kara Danvers was a mistake, and embracing her alien genes would be more beneficial to her health.

Kara walked over to the small radio she had placed on the counter beside the silver toaster. Her finger firmly pressed on a red button that was attached to the black box in order to turn it on. A static noise could be heard coming from the radio as Kara switched the channels turning the dial. She was looking for her favourite music station to keep her calm and peaceful.

The station Kara wanted began to play as the Kryptonian laid her back comfortably on the couch. She closed her tired eyes and let the music drift into her ears. Kara's favourite song Unstoppable by Sia began to play working its way into her mind.

All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town.

Kara blinked a few times trying to keep tears from freely falling. One of the reasons Kara loved this song in particular was because of how much it related to her. She was putting on a fake smile and pretending she was okay when she really wasn't.

I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time.
Oh yeah.

The Kryptonian rolled onto her side and covered her ears with a pillow. At the time Kara didn't want to turn off the song, but she was also desperately trying to not think about Mon-El. She sniffled letting a few tears streak down from her puffy eyes to her red cheeks.

Oh yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear.
Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear.

Kara began to cry more frequently not even trying to hold it back anymore. She screamed into the pillow out of frustration as she didn't know how to deal with all of her emotions at once. After letting out the cry of anguish, Kara threw the pillow at the window. It shattered the glass and fell slowly to the ground ripped from the broken fragments of glass. The fragments reminded Kara of herself which caused her to let out more tears.

It's never the right time.
Yeah, yeah.

Sound waves caused by loud sirens drilled through Kara's skull. She instantly regretted training herself to hear these at all times. Kara had done this to distract herself from everything life had brought her. Since she sent Mon-El away, Kara usually only left the house to be Supergirl.

I put my armour on, show you how strong I am.
I put my armour on, I'll show you that I am.

The Kryptonian stopped crying on the couch, changed into her suit, wiped off her eyes, and flew out the shattered window. She didn't hesitate or look at the broken glass and she flew towards a bank. The sirens were coming from a police vehicle that was heading towards a nearby bank.

I'm unstoppable.

Kara glared at the bank robbers hoping she would scare them into giving up the heist. The robbers grabbed their money bags and ran toward their getaway car.

I'm a Porsche with no brakes.

Kara sped after the thugs and stopped in front of the car holding her arms out to block it. The getaway driver turned the keys, starting her car, and drove away from the Kryptonian.

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