Chapter 1: Estranged Warriors

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A/N: I just played Nier: Replicant for the first time and honestly from getting so many endings and experiencing the entire game, I had so many creative thoughts flow through my head. I just did this for fun and out of instinct. Hope you guys enjoy.

Earth, Year 3473

It's been 3 years since you had saved your sister and Kainé brought you back into existence. You had been returned as an adult and Kainé reminded you of the events that led up to the point you were at now. With Grimoire Weiss gone, you no longer had the ability to use magic, but your inhuman strength remained, which was the same thing that happened to Kainé after being freed of her shade by you. Now, the two of you along with Emil, spent the rest of your days fending off the remaining shades that were left in the world from the village your sister and the rest of the villagers you grew up with lived. The weapon you chose would be your main tool was a long golden spear that had a phoenix with its wings spread designed and positioned under the spear head. Kainé, after the battle against the Shadowlord, was left with one blade. Now for the enemies you faced, even though you knew the saddening truth about the shades and what they really were, you resolved yourself to the defense of your home and family, and also decided that killing them would be at least better than letting them wander around with no sentience at all. You were cutting down a hoard of shades near the Northern gate of your village as you regrouped with Kainé and Emil.

"Damn. These shades are really coming out in the numbers now." Kainé cursed as she dashed toward a shade that was trying to sneak passed you three and into the village. "Can't you things just fuck off somewhere else! Agh!" Kainé stabbed the shade through the chest as it dissipated into nothing.

"Hya!" You grunted as you cut down another three shades with one slash and huffed air. "Dammit...There's no end to them." You groaned while wiping sweat from your forehead.

Just then, the ground below you shook and made you and Kainé stumbled back and trip over. Emil caught Kainé while you were left to brace yourself as you landed on your rear end and slid back a few feet. Shaking your head and looking around to see what happened, to your shock, there was a massive Shade that towered over the destroyed bridges in the plains and with each step it took, the ground shook violently. Its arms were shaped like the heads of hammers and the feet it walked on were like the shape of an elephant. The body however, was the creature's face as well woth a giant yellow eye in the center. Seeing the size of this opponent, you knew that it the three of you weren't going to be enough to stop it.

"What do we do? That shade is just as big as the shade we fought at the sea front three years ago. This is bad!" Emil said with worry as tightened his skeletal fingers around his staff.

"Emil!" You called as he turned towards you. "Go to the village and spread the word to evacuate! Tell them to go to the sea front and start loading ferries with people! Hurry! Me and Kaine will do our best to slow it down!" You said as you ran in front and stood next to Kainé.

"N-No! I'll fight, too!" Emil tried to stay, but you turned your head back to him.

"No! You're the strongest one among us and can still use magic. Despite that, even you'll have a hard time dealing with this shade. If we fail, at least the villagers will have you for protection. Get your ass moving and warn them!" Kainé yelled as Emil tried to think of something to say, but couldn't as he yielded and rushed off.

"I'll be back as soon as I can! Be careful! Don't do anything rash!" Emil yelled as he flew off towards the village.

"Let's do this." You said as you and Kainé took offensive stances and readied your blades as the shade took one more large step.

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