9. BET.

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~ Y/N POV ~

I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating and chirping in my ear much too loud for my liking. 

"Uuuuggghhh already?" I ask aloud to the annoying alarm sound echoing in the four walls of my girly yet sophisticatedly decorated room. 
I need to get up and do something about my face asap, the guys will probably be here soon and will no doubt look like they have flawlessly airbrushed skin. 

I kick my blanket off of my body and swing my legs over the side of my bed, feeling the soft fluffy rug underneath my aching feet. Heels are such torture devices, why do they make us look so much better though?!   I muse to myself, regretting my choice of red carpet shoes.

"Hsssss," I slither my tongue against my teeth at the pain radiating from the soles of my feet. Thank God they said I can dress comfortably. The only kind of shoes my feet can handle today are flats. 

I slowly drag myself to the restroom to observe my face in the mirror. Not too bad, I guess? Light makeup and chapstick will do. It's not like I need to impress them anyway, they've seen me at my best already so it's a good idea to set proper expectations for what I'll look like 95% of the time 😅

I shower, brush my teeth and hair, and then do my face for the day while blasting K-Pop music on my laptop. My laptop bings notifying me of a text message. I jump up and dart to my phone on my nightstand and quickly open the message...

Jin 💜:
"I'm not feeling well today, so it will just be the other members. Sorry. They are already on their way to get you." 

"Oh no worries, I hope you get to feeling better. Thanks for the heads up. If there's anything I can do please let me know 🙂"

Jin 💜:
"No, there's nothing. Enjoy yourself."


Jin 💜:
"Bet on what? I won't be giving you any money... If that's what you're after."

Skkkkrrrtttt! Um, what?? Who tf said anything about money??? 
I know he's not implying that I'm a gold digger... Yes... YES HE IS!

Okay, keep it together Y/N. I slowly breathe in and out and try to center myself.
Alright well, that definitely took an unexpected turn but let's still respect him and give him the benefit of the doubt. So reply calmly.

"Ok let's see. Keep it light, be as cool as a cucumber..."

"No, it's not an actual bet. It's slang for  'Okay sure'  or like 'Cool'  but its meaning can differ based on tone and situation. I was just saying 'Okay cool'... I wasn't asking for money 😏"

Ehhh, I probably shouldn't have thrown that emoji in there... But it's better than what I really wanted to say. Besides, I have the right to be upset about that, he doesn't even know me or seem to want to try. I bet he's feeling fine and just doesn't care to spend the day with all of us. How freakin' rude. Well, I suppose the emoji was pretty passive-aggressive of me too, I really need to work on that before I go accusing him of being rude.

Jin 💜:
"Oh... Bye then."

Excuse me?!  "Bye then"??  The fuck???

Excuse me?!  "Bye then"??  The fuck???

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