23. Feelings?

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I stare in the direction Jungkook just stormed off in and take a second to think of what I did to make him upset.

Maybe I shouldn't have offered to kiss him every week meaninglessly? It might have hurt his pride. Aggghh okay, let me go apologize.

I get up and jog after him reaching halfway through the hallway before I hear the door slam. I reach his door a few seconds after the slam but pause by the door to see if I hear anything. Silence greets me so I decide to knock gently. 

"Kookie? Can I come in?" I ask then open the door and peek my head in to see him standing in front of his window view arms crossed behind his back and a solemn look on his face.

"I'm sorry I stormed off, I didn't want to say something I didn't mean and then regret it later" he explains, his voice is low and rough with regret.

I take his apology as a sign to enter and close the door behind me. I approach him slowly and stand next to him facing the city skyline but looking at his side profile.

"No, I'm sorry for what I suggested. It wasn't my best idea."

"It's not because you suggested it, it's because I wanted to say yes."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with wanting that? I suggested it so clearly I'm happy to do it."

"I don't want pity kisses" he looks down at me with a guarded expression.

"It's not out of pity. You're one of my soulmates. I don't want to see you upset obviously... Even then, I wouldn't offer to kiss you every week if I was disgusted by the idea or just because I feel sorry for you. I guess somewhere along the way you may have been right. I guess I like you more than I thought."

"So you want to kiss me?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see what it would feel like. But I realize that it wouldn't be fair to treat you like a guinea pig, so I can file that thought away if you want."

"I don't want to be your test subject but I do want to see if it would help you to fall in love with me also... But it doesn't feel natural. What would we do, go on a date every Friday and kiss at the end of the night??" 

"I mean, yeah? I'm down for whatever you want to try." I pivot to stand directly in front of him and grab ahold of his hands to hold in mine. "I will try anything and everything to get to where we need to be. However you want me to go about it... I'm happy to do it."

He says nothing but breaks his hands free from mine and pulls me in by my shoulders to hug me tightly.

"I'll think about it. I know you're trying to do your best noona but maybe we should just see where things go instead of forcing yourself to do things you're not sure of. When I jokingly ask to kiss you or do cute things like that please don't feel obligated to say yes"

I wrap my arms around his waist hugging him back, inhaling the scent of his cologne deeply. It isn't quite the same but it reminds me of a variation of chocolate axe, except more bougie. 

"I wouldn't be forcing myself to do it! I don't know how to explain it. I just don't want you to feel used or like you're sixth-best because that's so far from the truth. Yesterday you wouldn't let go of my hand during the argument and that meant a lot to me so I want to show my appreciation in some way, I just can't think of any other way to do it than to kiss you." 

He chuckles and hugs me tighter gently swaying us back and forth. "There's no need to say anything other than thank you. What are you going to do every time I'm there for you like that? Give me a kiss every single time? Buy me something? You shouldn't be paying me for being a good friend." 

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