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"I love you," you say snuggling into Bruce's side.

"I know," Bruce says kissing your forehead.

"Did you just-"

"Yes I did just quote Star Wars," he says running his fingers through your hair and turning back to the movie. The two of you were having a movie night because Dick was spending the night at Wally's and Alfred was on his one vacation a year. The two of you are marathoning all eight Harry Potter movies since last time you had marathoned Star Wars. The most important part of all of this being the fact that you had stolen his shirt and sweatpants to wear and the two of you hadn't eaten anything except takeout for nearly 3 days straight.

His phone buzzes, "You gonna get that? I don't mind," you say, knowing it could be important.

"It's not anyone important," he says, ignoring the text.

"Alright, if you're sure..." you trail off, a little confused as it had been going off every fifteen minutes without fail only for him to ignore it every time.

He smiles and pulls you closer to him, "I'm sure my dear."

You wake up when you feel Bruce move next to you. You had fallen asleep near the end of the seventh movie, and woke up now in time to watch the epilogue. "You awake?" Bruce whispers, and you nod wrapping your arm around him and lean your head into his shoulder. "I love you," Bruce says, leaning his head on top of yours.

"I love you too," you say as the credits begin to roll, "So now what?" You ask, rolling over to face him.

"How about a walk?" He asks, but doesn't give you much of a choice as he is already standing up with you bridal style in his arms.

"Okay," you smirk, then reach up and kiss his jaw, loving the feeling of him holding you tightly in his arms.

He takes you out to the garden where he puts you down to stand in the grass. "What are we doing?" You ask.

"We're taking a walk, like we used too when we would sneak out at all those galas," he responds gently, taking your hand as he does so.

"Alright..." you trail off, even more confused but still going with it. You hear his phone buzz again, alerting you that another 15 minutes have passed.

Eventually he stops beneath the drooping branches of  the willow tree, where he lets go of your hand and takes a step back. He reaches one hand into the pocket of his sweatpants. He pulls something out of the pocket, but its to dark for you to see what it is. You blink, and when you open your eyes again he's down on one knee looking up at you.

Your hands go to your mouth, "Bruce," you whisper.

"Y/n l/n, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Bruce asks, holding up and opening a black velvet ring box.

You nod, and make some sort of high pitched winning noise, unable to get any words out. You swallow and catch your breath, "Yes!" You practically shout, when you're finally able to speak. You lunge at him, wrapping your arms around him and knocking him back into the grass, "Yes," you say quieter,  kissing him. You pull back to look at him, and he has the biggest grin you've ever seen on his face.

"I love you (y/n)," he says kissing you, and slipping the beautiful diamond ring on your finger.

"I love you too," you say kissing him again. The both of you keep lying in the grass, making out, in your sweatpants and pajama shirts until Bruce's phone goes off again.

"I should probably get that now," he says pulling the phone out of his other pocket.

"Okay... who is it?" You ask sitting up to look at him.

"Dick," Bruce says texting Dick back.

You laugh, "of course it is, is he worried you chickened out?" You tease.

"No, just impatient as ever..." he pauses before asking, "can I see your hand, to send him a picture so he believes me?"

"Yeah," you laugh,  holding it out to him. He takes your hand in his and takes a picture with the ring showing.

Bruce sends the picture then puts his phone back in his pocket as you laugh at the small boy's antics.

"I love you," you say gently and roll over to lay on top of him.

"I love you too, thank you for not letting go when I tried too," Bruce says gently as he then pulls you into a kiss.

You laugh gently, "you're the one who's not letting that go, huh? I thought I'd be the one holding it over your head."

He smiles, "no I was an idiot back then."

"Back then? It was three months ago Bruce!" You laugh loudly and kiss him again before laying on his chest. "So, as much as I love you and love it out here... how would you feel about moving this back inside... perhaps to the bedroom?" You as quietly.

"You need only ask my love," he says sitting up and taking you in his arms with him as he does so. It's effortless for him and your heart flutters in your chest. How did you little nobody y/n l/n get so lucky?

Needless to say he easily carries you inside to your bedroom, since you had moved in within a week of him telling you his secret. He lays you down on the bed and he gets on top of you. They two of you can't get enough of one another, kissing, cuddling and loving all night long. He takes care of you and you take care of him.

That whole night and the next two days are spent together in a little staycation. There's lots of sex, more sex than normally because you are the only two in the entire manor. It's perfect.

At the end of the week the two of you find yourselves wearing pajama pants and robes, to hide all the bumps and bruises you'd given each other, to welcome Dick and Alfred home. In your four years of dating Bruce, Alfred had become like a father to you. Then there was Dick, the only 13 year old in the world you would do anything for.

Alfred is more quiet about his congratulations, welcoming you to the family and giving you one of his rare hugs. Well, his hugs weren't rare, but he usually hugged you when you were the only person around. It was a sign of affection reserved for special occasions and private moments.

Dick on the other hand is ecstatic, practically bouncing off the walls. His questions are all over the place. "I get to dress as a bear to be the ring bearer, right?" And "can I call you mom?" "Oh! Does this mean you could adopt me too?!" Alongside a million other ideas.

You can only laugh and hug him tightly as you tell him, yes, he can call you mom. It wasn't as if you had caught him almost doing so on multiple occasions and each time told him it was alright, but no it wasn't until now he felt able to call you mom. But yeah, him asking such an innocent question is what get you crying, gods above you loved your family so much.

This was your family and it was small but it was perfect. You all had each other and no one was missing, just the four of you as close as can be. Nothing in the world would make you want to let go.

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