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Luca hummed as he folded his clothes neatly into the corner of his dressers, only stopping once his phone rang.

"Hello?" He spoke absentmindedly.

"Luca?" A breathless Matteo asked.

"Yup, what you need?" Luca asked.

"Um- get to our house. Like asap, bring Dante."

And the phone disconnected.

Luca scoffed before slipping on his crocs, making his trek to his (adoptive) fathers room.

"Dad." He whispered to the sleeping man, poking his cheek.

"Dad." He whined, noticing the man wasn't awake after two minutes.

Luca groaned tiredly and viciously slapped the man, effectively waking him.

"What the fuck!" Dante spluttered moving away from the hand.

After he recovered he looked at his son in disbelief.

"You dare lay a hand on my beautiful face? Have I taught you nothing?" He asked astonished as Luca rolled his eyes.

"Yes. You have taught me nothing." Luca said bluntly before continuing "C'mon we have to go to the twins house."

"Why." He asked irritated as he stood up.

"Ask Matteo, and for the love of God put some pants on." Luca groaned, walking out.

Once the two were settled in the car (and Dante reluctantly put pants on), they began to drive.

"So . . . how's the whole Vincenzo thing going?" Dante slung his head to look over at the young boy who sighed.

"I honestly don't know. I mean we've been fucking around for the last few weeks, but he's never made it official." Luca shrugged.

"Well then why don't you make it official?" Dante suggested with a growing smile.

"Nah." Luca waved it off "I'm way too scared of rejection."

"Please." He scoffed "He's borderline in love, he doesn't have the guts to reject you."

The younger boy blushed at the use of the word "love" and turned around in his seat, as his dad began his begging.

After a long drive, the two were walking up the stairs to the large house that seemed to have a dark and unsettling feel to it.

"Okay!" Luca finally gave in "I'll ask him out. Today." He agreed with a nervous grin.

"Thank me later." Dante smirked before knocking on the door.

Donovan swung the door open, seemingly out of breath making the two take a step back at his distressed appearance.

"C-Come in." He let the duo in.

The two tried to keep up with the young man but he ran up the stairs as if someone was on the verge of death.

Luca huffed as he opened the door to Vincenzo's room as Donovan instructed.

There he was met with over ten people hovering over the teen, who seemed to be doused in . . . blood?

"Vin?" He asked scared as he moved forward.

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