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But be prepared for a long stay
When the winter branches grow hair
That will be the day

Maybe one day you'll hear the sigh
Of shadows that never see light
They shelter there before they die
Swallowed by the night

Keep out of this sanctuary
Don't disturb what lies beneath
My mind is like a twisted tree
My heart burns like the heath

Keep out of the palace
Don't disturb the library
My mind is filled with darkness
My heart can not be free

Maybe on day you'll see the tail
Of the silenced sly fox
But you will never hear its wail
If you proceed to walk

Maybe one day you'll smell the smoke
Of the fire that burns here
But don't breath in or you will choke
Trampled by the deer

Keep out of this sanctuary
Don't disturb what lies beneath
My mind is like a twisted tree
My heart burns like the heath

Keep out of the palace
Don't disturb the library
My mind is filled with darkness
My heart can not be free

Maybe one day you'll feel my pain
And you will not withstand it
The blood and tears will leave a stain
On the wandering spirit

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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