Starbreaker Firewalker: Trial by Rodimus

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After the Vehicon Generals defeat, the Autobots celebrate their victory. But Rodimus, our new leader of Friendship and Leadership. Prepare for the final task

Announcer: Attention, Canterlot High School, the Element of Fire returns!

Flash Sentry: He returns! The Element of Fire returns!

At very long last Rodimus arrives from his Holomatter Avatar Form, All the humans cheered to him. Since Optimus Prime and the Humans see him never before

At Principal's Office

Rodimus: General

General Optimus Prime: You have done well. All of the Holomatter Watches now rest on the school, save the one you now wear

Rodimus: I am ready to claim my Robot Mode, so that I might set out, and finally free this world from Megatronus

General Optimus Prime: And what of the friends?

(Rodimus holding his fist)

Rodimus (Angry): They had their chance! Let them fight among themselves, and I will fight the true enemy! (Activates the Flame Saber)

General Optimus Prime (Not Impressed)

Humans (Gasps)

Starbreaker Firewalker: Return to your posts. Make haste

(All Humans back from the class)

(Rodimus sighs)

General Optimus Prime: Come with me

Meanwhile at the Hologram of Visions, General Optimus Prime and Rodimus needs to talk about the prediction

General Optimus Prime: From the dawn of time the Hologram of Visions has active. It is our insight and our guide. Our history, and our future. Touch into the telepathy, Rodimus, and tell me what you see.

Now Rodimus close his eyes on the Power Badge of Telepathy, connected to his mind, seeing the visions inside: A glowing powerful Matrix that would come to light our darkest hour. And with this body, It was Daydream Shimmer and one day, a new Guardian emerge to protect the Daydream, And his eyes was blinked

Rodimus gasps very hard about to see the legends are true, and this prediction. Rodimus knew about Daydream Shimmer

General Optimus Prime: It is fortold. An unknown Matrix used to become the Guardian of Daydream, and light our darkest hour. In this way, they shall find the strength to confront Megatronus.

Rodimus: I thought you told me to tell you what I saw!

General Optimus Prime: And did you see anything that I did not?

Rodimus (Questioned)

(Sweating now stressed)

(Rodimus slashes the wall!)

Rodimus: I don't need this! I don't need you, nor the Power Badges, and certainly not the leader of my other friends! I will destroy Megatronus myself! (leaves)

General Optimus Prime (Sighs)

(Starbreaker followed to Rodimus)

Meanwhile at the forest, Rodimus walks alone and feeling imitating and stressful

Rodimus: "Light our darkest hour" Ridiculous. They are all far too selfish even to work with me! Why would I ever want to do... that.

(Rodimus holds his fist for firey)

Rodimus: Wheeljack can run around on his stupid little scientist doing whatever he wants, and I'll do his job for him!

(He coughs!)

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