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I met her when I was dealing. Debbie was a columbian friend of one of my customers. I was immediately attracted to her . Debbie was 4'9 and the color of latte. Her dark eyes smoldered in her cat like face; with a wide mouth, cruel lips and ski jump nose. Her long, straight, jet-black hair fell down her back like an exclamation point that put emphasis on her tiny small hourglass figure. Creepy Craig was not my favorite customer, but consistently called me for ice. As usual, he was already spun, and was looking extra greasy. He resembled a melted wax figurine of Kurt Cobain, melting down while he stumbled, trying to remember where he hid the money.

While he was ransaking drawers in the bedroom, Debbie and I began talking. I talked about my line of work, and how it had me living out of a suitcase. It led to how she hated to go through Creepy Craig to get her high. He was definitely creepy. The "twack-ne" pockmarked his unhandsome face like a nightmare on elm street. Of course, trying to get in her panties, (she very clearly wasn't attracted) even though all she was trying to do was buy a little 20$ bag. Hating not being able to afford minor repairs to her house, much less get high anytime she wanted, she was at the mercy of Craig's whims. Sadly, her ongoing divorce had left her wanting to blow clouds, and she was happy to be out even to score a bag from the sketchy pervert rummaging around in the bathroom. Debbie mentioned she had been lonely since her husband, like a cliché, left her for his secretary.

She obviously left me an opening. I made my move and offered to help her with handy man tasks that needed doing, but would need a place to do laundry and shower . The implied innuendo hung in the air as she took my number. As I got up to leave, I called out to Craig that I would see him later for the money. As I opened the door, Debbie said, " If I call you, we're not going to have sex." Deflated, I walked out thinking that would be the last time I would ever see Debbie.

A week passes before I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. I somehow knew that it would Debbie.

She's got the house to herself, she says; her teenaged daughters were with their dad and his whore that weekend. Debbie asked me if I wanted to come over, and help her with a leaky washer and get her spun. Never stating what was in it for me, I agreed.

An hour later I was at her door, suitcase in hand. She asked me what that was about. I playfully said if I'm gonna get her high and we weren't fucking, the least she could do was let me shower. She grinned, knowing that I had called her bluff, and an hour after that, we're on her bed. Rolling a bowl. My easy company had Debbie relaxed, and comfortable. Laughing at my jokes and the conversation sparkled and sizzled. We're both having a good time.

I lean in to kiss her . It was the sweetest, softest, and the sexiest little kiss. Surprised and caught off guard, she doesn't pull away. Debbie kissed me back. I slipped my tongue between her parted lips and gently flicked the tip of hers. She moaned, and as I pulled her in she wraps her arms around my neck. We started to make out with the passion of long lost lovers. Debbie broke the kiss, panting, she says in a breathy whisper...

"Let's fuck".

I woke up sometime in the night to Debbie's body curled up in my arms, asleep. The whole afternoon and evening was spent in her bed. She was a giver, pleasuring me with her mouth and body with enthusiastic need. The memory hardened me against her supple ass, stirring her awake. She reached behind her and squeezed me in her hand. Suddenly waking up she immediately went down on me and before long I was filling her greedy mouth, and then her body.

I asked if there was any weed (seemingly the only drug I didn't have), and she replied that she had hoped I did . She did, however, have some fako she bought at the local smoke shop. In those days , fako ( synthetic marijuana packaged as potpourri) was a new and legal high. It was of unknown strength and content, and it was marketed with names like k2 and kush. This particular package had a purple and yellow Superman logo called Bizarro. I had never tried any fako before. I rolled a blunt from the pouch of soft textured, and chemical/sage-like smelling mixture.

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