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   " Are you okay? "

Debbie was staring down at me with a worried look. She was shaking me by my shoulders.

   " I'm not sure. I don't know what happened? " I croaked. Debbie's face turned to relief. Smugly, she explained that I had fallen off the bed and hit my head. Apparently I had been unconscious for a few minutes. She talked with the confidence of a woman who just fucked her lover to the edge of death . She recounted that I was going nuts when I came and was flopping around when slipped off the edge on the bed. I thumped my head on the bedpost on my way down and I had a nasty cut knot on the back of my skull that confirmed this . My head throbbed and my vision was still slightly blurry.

   Debbie doctored the cut while I sat at on a padded bench in front of the vanity. We were still nude and my vision began to return to normal . As everything began to come back into focus, I  uneasily avoided looking at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't shake the images that kept coming back in fragmented flashes. They couldn't be real, could they?  It had to be some kind of hallucination, some Freudian slip of reality.

   " What is that stuff we smoked? It's really trippy, don't you think? " I asked, hoping she had felt the same way, saw the same thing. Her aloof answers and confused look told me she hadn't. I was still feeling high, but nowhere as high as I felt before passing out.

   " It's just some fako I had to get. I wish I had some real weed, but I don't know where to find any. I like this brand though, it feels stronger than the others.  It feels like real weed , but I feel ok."  She answered as she dabbed ointment on the small cut she had just cleaned with a swab. Her small hands caressed my neck and she kissed my forehead. Her breasts in my face, I pulled her in by her waist and took her pert brown nipple in my mouth.

    Moaning she straddled me and reached between us, guiding me directly into her backdoor. She wrapped her legs tightly around me and began to rub her clit while I took hold of her supple little butt. I watched at her riding me in the mirror, and I was hit with a flashback of what I had seen in the mirror by her bed.

     My demon-self brandished a sword for a penis, penetrating through the flesh of Debbie's intestines the tip jutted out of her throat. In the mirror, the penis/sword had a barbed head, it was tucked and caught behind her chin;  pulling her jaw back like a ventriloquist's dummy.  Debbie's mirror mouth mimed the noise she was making in reality. The whole scene was an absurdly bloody, and sadistic puppetshow. The mirror image of my face cackled with glee, while Debbie's flailing arms and legs resembled that of a limp ragdoll impaled on a stick. The dead look in her reflected eyes, her jaw flapping, and the animated puppet like movements of her limp limbs ; all at the control of the demons muscular appendage, played a cruel joke as the audible sounds and tangible feel of our wild copulation provided the punchline. The anal sex we had been engaged in was mimicked by  slaughterhouse images portrayed in glass. It was a demented,  pornographic horror movie.

   As the flashback slapped my still recovering brain, the reflection of our bodies writhing together in the mirror began morphing. I watched my form under Debbie's grinding, go aflame in the familiar red of my demon image. My eyes glared back at me with the fire of dark lava smoldering just under the blackened crust. My cock pulsed as I began to cum again, the mirror showing grotesque knots pumping underneath the skin up and into Debbie. The memory of what the demon had said to me flooded back as my orgasm subsided . Like a pig on a spit he turned the meat puppet to face me.

  " Everything you know is an illusion, Erik.  I am the master of your's. "

   Debbie's dead eyes looking at me and impaled on the the demon's cock; her mouth moved in time to the growling and darkened voice that pierced me to my very core. 

    " You are my dream and I am your reality. You do as I wish , and you are what I will you to be."

   I pushed Debbie off of me and stalked into the shower trying to push the memory out of my brain and sober up from the effects of the fako.

   " Is everything ok babe? " Debbie called after me, hurt by the snub.

   " I don't know, but I think that shit fucked me up. I think I'm tripping out. Just leave me alone !" I angrily retorted. As I ran the hot water over my head trying to shake the images that haunted my closed eyes and the voice echoing loudly in my brain. I heard the bathroom door slam as Debbie stormed out.

    I washed myself shakily and ended up huddled on the floor of the shower; knees wrapped in my arms shivering in the hot water.  After what seemed like hours, the water became cold, stirring me out of the trance. I got up with my knees creaking after being huddled so long I got a towel and dried off walking to the bedroom, and avoiding the mirrors reflection found Debbie under the covers. She had been crying and wouldn't acknowledge my presence. I threw the towel over the mirror and looked for my clothes.

   " You're leaving me ? " Debbie sat up asking me through sobs.
   "I thought you'd want to be with me after everything we've done. I thought you wanted more than sex Erik, you said that you could give it a chance to be real! I gave you my ass, and I don't just let anyone in there!"  She sat up , angrily aiming her hurt feelings at me.

   " What's wrong ?  I didn't expect you to just use me like that! Wow! Just... whatever ." She threw herself back onto her pillow, sobbing.

    " It's not you, I'm just .. I don't know something's fucked up I can't explain it , because it's too fucked for words. " I lamely tried to explain as I pulled my sneakers on my feet. I had to get away from the mirror and bed where the altar of sacrifice was.

    "You can come with me. I may need you to drive , I can't see straight. I think I need some help. I'm ... Seeing and hearing things. Bad things" I tried to explain as I packed my suitcase. Suddenly piqued Debbie wiped her face and crawled over to me and put her arms around my neck and pressed her face to the back of my neck. Holding me from behind I turned to her and climbed on top of her kissing her. I felt her open and she begin to wrap me in her full bodied embrace. I stayed up on my hands hovering above her body and with a worried look, I  said I needed to get some air.

   Suitcase in hand, I walked out of her house and loaded it into my pickup. She was at the door closing her robe as I got in. Stumbling into slippers, and following me out to the driveway; Debbie was shouting curses at me in Spanish as I left her in my rearview mirror.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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