Chapter 4

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So I finally pick this book back up!!! Hope you like the new chapter :)


"Orla, why do you look so miserable." Margaret and Jonathan had been asking me the same question since I had stormed out of the Kings private study and muttered murderous threats under my breath. I probably would be worried to seeing as I was practically committing treason, but I was too angry to care. It was the kings fault that my life was about to go through hell!

"I still don't see why you wouldn't want to be the queens' Lady in waiting. Don't you know how important and valuable they are?" Jonathan had always been there when I needed him but this time he was getting on my last nerve. What made him think he knew what was best for me?

"I don't want to have to run around after some snobby Queen and help her get dressed in the morning, and I defiantly don't want to have to listen to her each day complaining about how hard her live is or what the King did this time!" I almost felt bad for stereotyping her seeing as she might turn out to be extremely fair and sweet to her ladies, but I wasn't hoping for such luck. The current Queen has been the first Queen who hasn't been accused of 'marring for money'. The way she treated everyone with kindness and respect earned her the respect back. That was until her past away 3 years ago. Now the King felt as though it were time for anew King and Queen.

Jonathan sighed. "Can't you see how this would help us all? We have lost everything we own and now we have a chance of building our life back up and you just want to waste this opportunity because of... Wait what is the reason for this stupid behaviour, the fact you have to wear a pretty dress?"

For a moment I almost felt bad, but then I remembered what I had to do in order to become what my brother and sister so desperately wanted me to be. There was no way I was going to put up with that arrogant, big headed idiot for the next month. Also why should I be the one to fix the family problems! I was the younger besides Margaret now. And for all I cared John could keep blaming it on the dress.

"No. I'm not doing it. I don't care what you say you can't make me."

"But think of all the beautiful gowns you will have and all the balls you will have to attend, and don't forget the huge bedroom you'll have, filled with elegant furniture and the make-up and perfumes...." Margaret sighed dreamily. Being a Lady was every girls dream, but I just couldn't see its appeal. What was so magnificent about a puffy dress with thrills, not to mention the 20 different types of spoons I would have to memorise!

I snorted in response, "You forget that's your dream not mind little sister."

I rested my head back down on the pillow and wrapped in up in my arms. The idea of having to dress up every day just made this offer seem even more distasteful. Thoughts of home invaded my mind. The quaint little house that stood in the outskirts of the palace walls seemed so appealing, that I suddenly felt as though I had taken it for granted back when I had it.

'Please, Orla do it for me if not for yourself.' Whispered Margaret, her voice trembling slightly. 'I'm sorry I just really want somewhere to call home again.' And with that said my little sister burst into tears. I wanted to pretend that this was her way of making me feel guilty so I decided to become a Lady, but knew that wasn't the case.

Margaret has only been my sister for a just under a year now, as before then she had been discarded by her 'true' family after her possible marriage arrangement failed. Instead we took her in to give a place to call home, yet for the second time in her life it had been stripped from her. When a proposal was made to me when I was her age my father had threaten the boy's family to stay away from me. He had understood that I never planned to get married and he accepted that, I was grateful as many people wouldn't. I remember my old friend Rosie had been shipped over the Evanda to marry a rich man who had been in his late 20's!

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