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George,Adam & Olly caught the train to bristol on january.It was exciting.Bristol is quite different from Hertford.Its a city of pubs,music & art.Lots of opportunities around. George went to see Jess the next day.Jess was so happ seeing him.Her little brother is now in University.
George & jess talked a little.she told him about her anxiety.its not so severe now.But she was going to graduate soon.she was worried what will she do after graduation.Its a big choice, turning point of life.George could sesnse her anxiety rising again.He assured her "We'll figure something out.Keep faith in me". She smiled, her little brother is big now.

George attened classes regularly.He made some new friends.Works on a pub.Life is not complicated now.But things with sophia wasn't great.They fought almost everyday.With maintaining classes & work he is busy.Also it seemed Sophia had a new life.She always talks about her friends - whom he never met,going places & parties,barely have time for him.Sophia rented a house near uni.George goes there often but it feels like she doesn't like spending their alone time anymore. George tried to talk to her about it & it ended on a fight. So he keeps himself busy with work & study.Also there is open mics on many pubs now.He sings in some of them.He got an offer to play on a gig next month.He likes playing in front of people now, in fact he loves it.keeps him away from thoughts & reality.George also writes more now. the best thing about music school is you find people with same interest as you.He has a lot of friends now.but he likes olly most.Olly is his most supporterive friend & a good pal to talk about his passion.They found out that some guys were doing a thing called "Bristol couch". They put a couch anywhere on the city & allows new faces to sing, later they uploads the video on youtube.It was an opportunity for George to get himself recognised. So he & Olly went there.George sings - "Angry hill".The people there praises a lot of him.

One night George & the guys got really drunk.George finds himself running into a wall.On his uni there was a corridor that was a bit dark.Drunk george ran into the corridor wall.Got himself wounded on the forehead.Blood rushed out of the wound.They put a shirt on the wound & it stopped bleeding a few minutes later.The guys wamted to take him to ER but he said" its nothing mate,im drunk & i need to rest." so without doing anything about the wound that night they went to sleep.The next morning there was a guest teacher's lecture.George didnt want to miss that. So he went to class.After 2 hours it was so painful that he could barely understand what the teacher he went to hospital for medication.Doctors couldnt do anything of the wound as it was too late.They said it may leave a big scar on this forehead.

George went to sophia's on the evening.she was doing the dishes.she didnt look at him.he knew she was angry as he didnt try to contact to her after the fight..He bought some facemasks for her as gift.Thinking she would like that.He put them on the table."Whats that?"- sophia asked.
-Facemasks,said george with bright eyes.
-why would you bought facemask?
-For you.Girls like these,i thought.
-well I dont.

George could see she is still mad at him.He put some facemask on his face to make her laugh.well it didnt workmit made her angry even more.But G learns that facemasks are helpful for guys skin too.Later that night him,olly & one of their other friend put on facemask together -as george told them he became a facemask fan.It was a fun night.

Next few days went by giging & playing on pubs.Sophia attened a few.Things were not so good.Everytime he went to see sophia- there was a fight also jess was depressed again.George was hopeless.he couldnt help jess or himself.

One night Georg was spending night at his gf's place.He cuddled with her.Said her that he doesnt want to fight anymore.kissed on her lips.They were having an intimate moment. After a long time he found peace.

Later that night a text came on her phone.George took the phn - it was her sister, veronica.After that another text came, then another.He couldnt resist himself to check her text he did. Her full inbox was full of messages from her siblings - saying sophia to break up with him,saying he was wasting his time, he is not a matured person.She also agreed with them sometimes.He got so upset.He got up & get dressed.He was almost heading outside then shophia woke up.
-what are you doing george?
-Im going home
George resist himself from saying things.He said clamly -
-Your siblings think im not appropriate guy for you?
-you checked my text?why did you do that?
She got mad again.pushing him out of her room.He asked her "Do You also think I'm not good for you?"
She didnt reply.George stromed out of the room.
Sophia called him & said its better they took a break.

The next morning george woke up sad.He texted her saying sorry.
-Can you meet?
He went to her's & they were having breakfast.He finds something weird on the table.It looks like penis or something.He asked her "who are you mingling with?whats this?"
She brust out laughing.
-" its my roommates.Its a bottle opener"
They both laughed so much.He took a pic of it.George looks at sophia, she was laughing. She was beautiful.He doest wanna lose her.

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