Morning - Phil

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It was barely 8 am on Saturday and there I was, as usual, making coffee.

I yawned as I measured the grounds, spilling some on the counter. I'd never shake this early-riser thing. It didn't mesh well with my life - with our life, I thought to myself with a small smile.

Poor Phil was the same way - always practically waking up with the sun, no matter how late his gig had gone, or how late he'd been out with Dom and Joe. He astounded me, frankly. The man could get by on coffee and a smile.

And boy, what a smile. I sighed to myself. How did I get so lucky to be with such a handsome, selfless, talented, loving human being?

As if in response I heard the creaking of the bed in the next room as his big body moved, then a half-stretch, half-groan kilted through the air as he made his way toward the kitchen.

It was sort of amazing that even now, after a year together, I still got butterflies every time he came near. I heard him enter the kitchen and looked over, lifting my mug to my lips and smiling.

He grinned and rubbed a wrist across his eyes as he bumbled over to me. He wore a black muscle shirt and blue jogging shorts. His eyes were baggy and sleepy and his hair was messed into a half-Mohawk.

In other words, he looked perfect.

His long arms wrapped around me from behind, his hands moving down onto my hips. He moved my hair aside with his chin and buried his face in my neck, planting a slow, warm kiss at its nape.

"Morning, beautiful," he said.

"Mmm, morning," I managed, my breath catching. "You slept in."

He snorted, his lips moving higher and placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

My eyes fluttered closed as he buried his nose back into the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. He settled there contentedly. 

"There's coffee," I said softly, running my fingertips along his forearms. "Strong, how you like it."

I could feel his smile against the tiny hairs on my neck, and I shuddered at the feeling. 

This, I thought. This is what I lived for. 

"You're too good to me," he murmured, and squeezed me tight.


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