Blurry night

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Felix heart dropped...It pounded in his chest as he looked at the bunny..the same one he met that night. Felix didn't know what to do the butterflies in his stomach grew as he sat in the library watching Oswald reshelf books and help people he felt a smack on his arm he turned around to see his friend Bendy,Bendy was a small demon with ruby red eyes and ebony black hair the boy smiles at Felix "Who ya lookin at Feels?" Felix blushed and averted his eyes away from Bendy " body" Bendy hums "Mhm okay whatever you say" Felix sighs and leans on his own hand for stability "So where is Boris?" Boris was Bendy older brother he worked as a English teacher. Bendy huffs and his tail flicks "He's helping one of his students right now" Felix ruffles Bendy hair with his hand...the bell rang through out the school it echoed basically screaming 'LUNCH IS OVER MAGGOTS GE TO CLASS' Bendy stood up and grabbed his bag he began to leave the library,Felix gathers up his things he dreaded his next class it was P.E he had the class with his sister and her cheerleaders,also three cups only two related to one another. 

Felix walked into the locker room and quickly changed into his gym uniform he began to do his laps around the gym,the teacher stared at him as if expecting something from him.

(Felix pov)

Here lets pause  I'll tell you about the people in my gym class, let's just say gym class in this school is horrible especially when your fucking sister is the head cheerleader everyone expects you to be something your not!  So the people in this class with me is My sister Ortensia she's cheer caption she's the basic 'Hey look at me I am everything you wish you were' she's got the perfect figure and looks,then there is her 'squad' which consist on the obvious rich blond that only got into high school cause daddy paid the school big cash money yeah that type would be Fanny,then there is attitude loving in your face Daisy she's always so bitchy but she's the perfect amount of bitchy which make everyone love her then there is Minnie she's the sweet one and sometime oblivious! 

Then there's the jocks which that would be Cuphead and his little brother Mugman,Cuphead the more popular one while Mugs is in Cupheads shadow. Cuphead is the natural guy that every girl falls in love with he's a jerk but Bendy swears up and down he was never like this in middle school utter bullshit aways moving on there is another Cup but he's nothing like Cuphead and Mugman this cup has pink hair and goat ears along with a long tail,he's normally  quiet but he always has bandages over him.

anyway let's get on with the story.

(Third person) 

Felix soon finished his lap and sat down he sighs his ears flatten against his head and his tail sways. Ortensia sat by Felix and with her normal cheerful voice she said "Oh feels you wouldn't belive where Oswald is taking me on our next date" Felix tries to act as if he was actuality he hated when his sister talked about Oswald,he wanted to feel happy for her but he couldn't ignre the butter flies in Felix stomach when he saw the Oswald...he could still remeber the night he first met Oswald


The lights were dimmed the music bummed the walls bodies on bodies moving to the music drinks after drinks.

Felix stumbled to the bathroom when he left the bathroom he bumped into...Oswald,though at the time Felix didn't know exactly what type of effect this guy would have on him.Felix looked into Oswald eletric blue eys..the butterflies bloomed at that moment,Felix being fucking buzzed he giggles and stutters out and apologies Oswald smiles at Felix "It's fine" Oswald voice was deep but not to was as crisp as the cold wind,Felix face turned a hue of red Oswald voice sounded like music to him. Felix smiles "Hi...your fucking tall" wait why did you say that Felix....Oswald chuckles "Thanks you are short" Felix gasp offended "I am not" the two of them begin laughing..they both looked at each other once more...Felix smiles "I wanna talk more" Oswald nods,the two of them sat in the hall laughing and talking...Felix began to lean closer to Oswald...everything became blurry...that's all Felix could remeber


"FELIX" Ortensia voice snapped Felix out his trace "huh?" Ortensia sighs "You weren't listening were you?" Felix shook his head "No, mind is on something else" Ortensia smiles "It's okay,class is almost done anyways" Felix smiles at Ortensia...he loved her..but still the strings on his heart were being laced to the bunny.

What was Felix going to do,does he chose love or family..should he venture to the callings of his heart or..does he ignore the call and watch as his sister be happy with the man that made Felix flutter with embarrassment 


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