The dance of dreams

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Felix once again found himself in the library, his eyes beginning to feel heavy and so he laid his head on the table in front of him. He slowly closed his eyes as the darkness slowly dripped into color. He was no longer in the library but now in a grand ballroom. He looked around confused and even looked down at himself to see his clothes had changed to a golden suit. His black fur curled and his curled and his light golden eyes glimmered in the light. He looked around the big ballroom and his eyes landed up on the stairs where a handsome bunny stood there in a royal blue suit. The bunny began to walk down the steps he walked to Felix holding his hand out,as the ballroom filled with shadows of people dancing and whimsical music echoed in the ballroom Oswald looked into Felix's golden eyes “May I have this dance?” Felix takes Oswald hand blushing “O..oswald shouldn’t you be with Ortensia” Oswald smiles and he puts his free hand on Felix waist Felix holds Oswald shoulder with his free hand “Felix I do not know of this Ortensia you speak of the only person I desire to be with is you” Felix blushed and his eyes sparkle he lays his head on Oswald chest as Oswald leads the dance,Felix enjoyed these moments with Oswald listening to the music….was this selfish of him,was he a horrible person for enjoying this so much.

Oswald dips Felix and leans into kiss Felix,Felix closes his eyes feeling his lips meet with Oswalds it felt so….real.


Felix opened his eyes,he looked around the Library realizing everything was...just a dream. Oswald stood in front of Felix's table...Felix looked at Oswald and gasped “Oh my what time is it?” Oswald smiles at Felix “Seven pm Felix.” Felix blushed and he looks down “Oh shucks sorry..I must of kept you back from leaving” Oswald smiles “Oh it’s fine Felix,Ortensia cancelled the date” Felix nods he begins to put his stuff back in his bag,he looks over at Oswald,Oswald just watching Felix....a hunger glinted in his eyes. Felix breaks eye contact and tries to fix his hair, his heart beating faster. Oswald moved closer to Felix he holds Felix hand “Are you sure you want to know you can stay” Felix pulls his hand away blushing “Oh that would be a divine idea but I have to go to Bendy house to” Oswald leans closer to Felix and tries to get him to look him in the eyes “Felix..please stay with me” Felix looks away then looks into Oswald eyes….Oswald kisses Felix...sparks flied his heart fluttered..Felix couldn’t help himself he melted into the kiss grabbing onto Oswald arms. Oswald pulls back panting his ears hhad perked up saliva tied the two mouths together Felix quickly lets Oswald go looking away “Oswald...I..I can’t do this you are with my sister” Oswald held Felix hand to pull him closer “Forget her..just for this moment Feels” Felix ears flatten against his head he thinks ‘do I give up this chance...or do I take it and hope no one finds out what happened this..magical night’ Felix pulls away from Oswald.though Oswald moves closer laying his head on Felix shoulder..his breathe sent shivers down Felix spine. Felix's tail sways and he lets out a small whimper “O..Ozzy please I..I really can’t” Oswald looks at Felix “but don’t you want to?” Felix blushed and looked down “Y..yes but my sister..” Oswald rubs Felix chest and kisses him but not long enough for Felix to kiss back “Listen Felix,she doesn’t exist at this moment~” Felix tail sways and he kisses Oswald desperate.Oswald kisses back his hand slips down Felix side...but their kiss was soon interrupted by the sound of books falling to the floor. Felix pushed Oswald off him to see who it was that had caught him with his sister boyfriend. Bendy stood there in shock he stammers "F..feels!?" Felix blushed and wipes his mouth "B..bendy!?"

Oop- shittt

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