Chapter 1

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No one's POV

Sun had been sitting on a boat heading to Beacon academy where he would be going for a while after leaving his home in Vacuo.

He wouldn't lie and say he was a bit nervous about this but he wouldn't let that stop him as he got up and went to a room he was sleeping in.

'Time for a nap.' Sun thought as he entered the room and jumped on his bed falling asleep shortly after.

Sun ended up in a black room he didn't know what to say about it so he decided to explore it a bit.

He looked around in confusion as he saw images pop up.

"Woah is this some kind of dream?" Sun asked himself until he heard a voice.

"Nah dreams usually aren't this cool." Sun turned to the voice preparing to grab his weapon Riyu Jingu Bang but remembered it was a dream and that he didn't have it.

"Woah woah relax." The person said raising his hands.

"Why should I when I see some random guy in my dream and a bunch of things I don't remember doing, if you ask me that's suspicious." Sun said and the guy nodded.

"Yeeeeeeaaaah maybe this wasn't the best way to introduce myself sorry bout that." He said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Alright star eyed dude who are you?" Sun asked and the man smiled.

"I'm you well a past version of you at least names Mori Jin former Monkey King." Mori Jin said and Sun was just confused.

"Wait wait wait back up your me?" Sun asked and Mori Jin nodded.

"Yup when I died you where born as my reincarnation so technically your the future version of me...I think." Mori Jin said rubbing his chin as he thought about it.

"Alright then I'll play along the why would you show yourself to me now and not I don't know any time in the past?" Sun asked and Mori Jin shrugged.

"Honestly not sure guess I wanted to observe you first before making any decision if I should show you this." Mori Jin said.

"Show me what?" Sun asked and Mori Jin gestured to the memories.

"These Sun all the memories of my time as the Monkey King as well as the fighting style I used Re: Taekwondo and my well our abilities." Mori Jin said and Sun looked thoughtful.

"What if I'm not ready to learn them and mess up?" Sun asked and Mori Jin chuckled as he walked to Sun putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry bout it you'll be great I already sent word to your friends and they'll be here soon." Mori Jin said and Sun looked at him confused.

"What friends?" Sun asked and Mori Jin smiled and pulled up a memory of a young Sun as he played with three other boys.

Suns eyes widened as be turned to Mori Jin.

"But I haven't seen them in well years just wow how'd you find them?" Sun asked excitedly.

"I sent them a message from the universe." Mori Jin said and cracked his fingers.

"Now let's start training." He said and Sun looked at him.

"Uhhhh how much can I learn in two days I doubt it's much." Sun said and Mori Jin chuckled.

"It's not learning something if you already know it your just remembering them and ya know dream rules buddy it could be years in hear when in reality it's only been a couple hours." Mori Jin said making Sun raise an eyebrow.

"Is that even a thing?" Sun asked and Mori Jin nodded.

"Yup now no more questions let's get to work." Mori Jin said and Sun nodded.

Mori Jin and Sun got to work as he showed Sun all his memories.

"Wait wait wait you rode on a cloud that sounds awesome!" Sun said excited and Mori Jin nodded.

"Yeah it is but that's besides the point back to work." He said as they played the memories again.

On a different part of the world

A person was meditating quietly until he felt the need to get up.

"Sun needs us? Better get going then heh I think I'm close enough to Tiger so I'll get him first." Randy said as he quickly wrote a letter and sent a messenger bird before his form shifted.

A now giant bird stood in Randy's place as he stretched his wings and flew into the sky.

A now giant bird stood in Randy's place as he stretched his wings and flew into the sky

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(This is his form I'll do a character bio next to clear things up)

He was flying high in the sky avoiding people seeing him and mistaking him for a grimm.

In a jungle there was a person sitting on top of a tree as he looked at the sky with his red-orange untamed hair flying with the breeze.

He sniffed the air and looked in the other direction of the sky as he jumped down and ran on all fours to a clearing as a giant bird landed down and turned back into Randy.

"Hello old friend." Randy chuckled as he was tackled into a hug.

"Randy! Its been forever!" Tiger said happily.

"Yeah it has twisting tiger." Randy said as he pushed off Tiger.

Tiger stood up straight and yawned a bit.

"So you get message too?" Tiger asked and Randy nodded.

"That's why I'm here now we just need one more." Randy said before another voice spoke.

"No need I am already here I figured you'd meet here." Sans said taking off his hood.

Randy and Tiger turned to Sans and smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for let's get going already we can talk on the way I know where all excited to see Sun again." Sans said.

Randy nodded as he turned back into his bird form as Sans and Tiger got on his back as he let out a cry and took off into the air again flying quickly.

"Tiger Zangetsu still big huh?" Sans asked and Tiger nodded.

"Yeah only in Bankai will it ever be smaller." Tiger said and Sans chuckled and nodded.

"Oh yeah I forgot but Randy what's with this bird form?" Sans asked and Randy gave a cry.

"Oh yeah right can't understand bird you I'll ask again later." Sans said and Tiger looked at Sans and sniffed him.

"I different scents other than yours Sans why's that?" Tiger asked and Sans chuckled.

"A lot has happened since we last met and I'm sure we'll all talk about it when we meet up with Sun." Sans said and everyone nodded as Randy began to fly faster.


That's it for this chapter

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