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Morning Rose in Utahimes and Y/Ns Household

Utahime:*Yawn* Is Y/N still asleep? Its a monday he has school in the morning and jujutsu tech in the afternoon.

A/N yes Y/n has school in the morning when hes done he does jujutsu just cause and the principal is a jujustu sorcerer as well so he know the situation.

Back to the story

Utahime walks to Y/N room to wake him up
To her suprise he was still asleep...

Utahime shakes Y/Ns sleeping figure.

"Hey you got school wake up please"

Utahime said in a gentle voice

No Answer....

Utahime inhaled.



Utahime:Im not MONSTER!

Y/n:oh Utahime! Morning!

Utahime:*Sigh*Kid you have school get ready breakfast is ready.

Y/n:Oh yeah school.


See ya later kid Utahime shouted at Y/n as he got farther from her

Utahime: Man i love that kid.

At school

Y/n:Man im still tired...

Ms.Specs:Ok class today we are going to do......

???:Thats the bell you coming Y/n?

Y/n:oh yea just wait for me Arata

???:Wait for meeee!

Y/n:Hey Miku

Arata:Is Soyumi coming as well?

Y/n:Yeah there he is!


Miku:And Lisa is always lat-

Lisa:Sorry for the hold up i had a talk with principal.

Everyone:Again? *Sweatdrop*

Random girl walks up to them.

Girl:Um hey Y/n

Y/n redirects his attention to the girl


Girl:Can you go out with me?!?

Y/:Oh um sorry no....

Girl:Its okay thats what i love about you!!! Heheeh

Y/n:uhh yeaaa sure.

Arata:Must kinda suck being the popular kid..

Y/n:Yea but there are benefits.

Anyways lets go gu-

Y/n was cut off by a familiar voice.

Kugisaki Nobara

Kugisaki:Hey Y/n we gotta go now!

Y/n:Eh Kugisaki why are you here right now im trying to go to the movies with my friends!

Everyone else except them two:Uh what the who is she?

Kugisaki:Gojo-sensei Needs us you idiot its important.

Y/n:Its probably not! He always lies!

Kugisaki:We Are GOING!


💙Blueberry💙       (Kasumi Miwa x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now