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The trio recently got caught in separate fights,and finding a way to beat the curse.

Megumi:Shit its a special grade and Kugisaki and Y/n are fighting ones to,once i finish this one i have to find a way to them.....Unless! One of them is controlling this whole area! Maybe domain?

Megumis mind was running in circles to find out how and why


The Curse attacked Megumi while his guard was down


The curse hit megumi straight in the stomach sending him back hitting the fleshy wall

Megumi got back up in a fighting stance ready to fight the curse he was backed up against wall all odds are against him he just needed to think straight.


Megumi rushed to the special grade

Megumi:Demon Dogs!

Two dogs came from the ground one white and one black.

The dogs rushes the special grade from the right and left.

The dogs created a opening for Megumi making him able to attack

He was able to hit the special grade in the stomach 2 times following a technique

"Cursed Technique! Black Seprent!"

Suddenly a black ink from the ground forming into a snake.

Megumi:This should hold him for longer. I need to make somthing bigger!

While Megumi was thinking his snake had the special grade in a bind making trouble for it. Megumi took noticed and took action.

Megumi:I know what to do! This is going to be make me drained from using to much energy....

Megumi:Cursed technique!  DEMON MAMMOTH!  The whole ground was covered in darkness as it closed in one spot and rose... Out came a large beast the size of 4 trucks.


The mammoth chatges at the special grade just as it escaped the serpents binds but it was to late for it.

The mammoth has put the special grade to peace....

Megumi:Shit....This..... Really....Made me...... Tir-

Thus Ends the Battle with Fushigiro Megumi Vs The Special Grade


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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