chapter 4

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The week went rather quick for Rob, on Tuesday came the news that he would yet again become fraction leader of D66. Sigrid Kaag became the temporary Minister of Foreign Affairs on top of already being Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. This was because of the temporary leave of Bas van t Wout. Being minister of 2 different things is a lot of work so Sigrid gave Rob his position back as the leader of D66. This means that Rob his work schedule became busy again. He now yet again had to attend most debates, be there during the voting, calls, and meetings with other faction leaders, and had to attend the coalition negotiations. But Rob wasnt complaining, he loved his work and loved being kept busy.

When the news came that he yet again would be the chairman he of course already knew that the media would fall in a frenzy, reports were everywhere wanting quotes, interviews, and pictures. Rob was polite and tried to give them what they wanted, boosting his ego along the way. But he had better things to do. Today would be the maiden speech from Lisa van Ginneken, one of the new members of D66 in the chamber. But she wasnt just a new face in the chamber, she was also the first-ever transgender woman there, shining a light on the fact that the house of representatives still wasnt as representative as it should be.

Today was Lisa her first speech and Rob was attending, wanting the be there for one of his members but also want to be there to be a part of history. Lisa her speech was so powerful and so moving, the chamber fell quiet, lumps in their throats. She touched upon her struggle with her gender identity, of how she was scared of being who she really was, had pushed the feelings away, the feelings that she was born in the wrong body. She spoke about the transphobic comment her dad once made when she was 8 years old, scaring her so much that she didnt even want to think about her feelings. But she also touched upon her transition, how she is a survivor, how she is proud to be the first transgender woman in the heart of the Dutch democracy, and how she thinks her dad would have been proud of her.

Everyone at the chamber was slamming on their desks after her speech, something that was done instead of applause, after her speech Rob walked up to her, handing her a bouquet of flowers, contracting her on her moving speech, and so did everyone else.

After the speech, Rob went back to his new office, or well old office before he gave up on being the chairman and gave this role to Sigrid. He had missed it a bit. The office was beautiful, it was located on a corner, it had a lot of windows, a big desk and a stunning bookshelf behind his desk. He had an amazing view over het binnenhof and looked directly out on the office of the minister of defense.

He sat down behind his computer, his eyes gliding over his desk, stopping when is saw the little robot standing, Rob laughed quietly, the robot reminds him of his first week and the faction leader, he was so cramped, from the tension and pressure, driven by his perfectionism, not wanting to make mistakes, that he gave the same answer 3 times in a row with the same interviewer. This full interview was aired and the nickname Robot Jetten was born. Looking back on it now always makes Rob laugh. He had grown so much in those 3 years, had learned a lot, and had become more relaxed.

Rob started with the paperwork that had to been done, to his surprise, it didnt take as long as he had expected. It was a Wednesday, usually, Rob works till Thursday in The Hague and goes home to Sjoerd on Friday, spending his weekend with his boyfriend ( or well what if you could call it weekend, he most of the time was working from home those days, never really having a day off). However Rob his work at the chamber was done for the week, so he made the decision, to go to his apartment, pack his stuff and surprise Sjoerd, they could go out in the afternoon, first having a nice dinner somewhere in Nijmegen and after that they could go to their favorite bar the blaauwe hand, having a beer out on the terrace, and after that the could have a nice night in bed if you get what I mean.

Rob made his way to his apartment, making a stop at the drugstore. Once at his apartment, he did some quick cleaning, making sure he wouldnt leave it behind in a big mess. And after that, he made his way back home, excited to have some time with his boyfriend. The time they desperately needed.

Once arriving home he placed his bike in front of the house, putting it away later that day. He made his way into the house, making a mental note that he needed to pick up Muja his dog at Sjoerd his parents later that day. The house was quiet, but what did Rob expect it was early and Sjoerd was probably still at work. He made his way up to the bedroom, ready to change out of his suit and into something more casual. Rob wasnt paying much attention when he opened the door to the bedroom. However, what he saw next broke him. There in bed was Sjoerd, with someone else. Not just someone else, a woman, and they were not just simply laying there but both naked. Rob just caught his boyfriend, the love of his life, his future, cheating on him.

Sjoerd jumped up from the bed, looking like a deer caught in a headlight, the girl trying to cover herself up with the bedsheets.


He turned around, slamming the bedroom door. Making his way downstairs hyperventilating, not being able to shut down the hurt, the anger, not being able to stop the tears from falling down.

He got into his car and drove over to Sjoerd his parents crying. At this point he just wanted his dog, he wanted to forget and wanted to pain to stop. He got out of his car when he got to Sjoerd his parents. He rang the doorbell. Sjoerd his mom opened the door, but before she could speak Rob said I am here to pick up Muja Sjoerds mom looked confused, probably surprised to see Rob, not expecting him to show up, but also shocked to see her son in low with bloodshot eyes. Rob sweetheart what happened, why have you been crying she asked him, concern in her voices could be heard. you should ask your lovely cheating son about that, now if you excuse me I want my dog and want to leave, Id expect Sjoerd to show up any minute and I dont want to see him Rob spoke, voice hard and emotionless, trying to come off strong, come off as if Sjoerd cheating didnt affect him at all. Just at that moment, Muja came walking to the front door, Rob put her leash on her and walked away.

Once arriving home Sjoerd was gone, and thats when Rob finally broke down. Allowing himself to feel the pain, the pain of being cheated on, the pain of losing the one he loved the most, the one person he could see himself growing old with, his rock, the man who was always there for him, was there when Rob became part of the house of representatives, he was there with Rob when he found out about his heart rhythm disorder, was there when he became fraction leader, was there for him through thick and thin, through all the hate Rob received as a politician. And now he was gone.

hey, besties,

so that was a new chapter, id like to say first of all that I for sure do not see Sjoerd as a cheating boyfriend, from what ve heard from Rob, Sjoerd is the most loving and supportive boyfriend there is, so please do not get any wrong idea's from this. ( Sjoerd and Rob if for some miraculous reason you guys are reading this, then I am so sorry, I love you both very much as a couple. )

also for the Dutchies did you watch Lisa her speech today? if not I will link it above, it was truly such a wonderful and moving speech, ill try and put the translation up as an extra chapter after this for the no Dutchies who read this.

for the people who had not seen the announcement that I had put up, I changed my username to dropjetten to match it to my Instagram and TikTok.

that was it from me for today, please let me know in the comments what you thought about the update, and don't forget the vote.

lots of love,

your local Rob Jetten simp

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