Friends? [20]

118 3 3

Some chapter

Chemistry POV

It's the first day of real school. I haven't been in awhile. Man I miss the old stuff that's been going on in school. I get on my clothes and qqfreshen up. I'm so nervous for school. I walk downstairs to see everyone.

Boys: damnnn

Roc pulls me on his lap and strokes my thigh. This boy is a handful. That's my best friend tho. Lj is just a friend too. They are both trying to win me over. But last night with Roc was to die for. He had me feeling good afterwards. It was just a simple make up sex.

Starburst: what time we going

Prince: I don't know baby

Cupcake: yeah baby we don't know *glares at starburst*

Starburst: bitch I'm not your baby. Don't call me that or I will whoop your skinny a.....

Chem: stop it

Lj: so what classes do you have?

Chem: Health, French, Chemistry, Geometry

Roc: I got all the same

Ray: calculus, Spanish, P.E, English

Prince: I got the same

Cupcake: I got the same with Cece

Starburst: me too

Yanna: me 3. I wish des was here.

Chem: yeah

Well weal got packed up and went to school. We walked into the school looking fresh to death. Roc held my hand when I walked in. Then everybody looked are way. I mean we did come 2 weeks into the second semester. I heard whistles when we was walking. Then Roc kissed me on my cheek. Then a big crowd of fans came by us.

Fan: OMG mindless behavior and Chemistry goes to our school.

We was being crowded and signing autographs. Then a teacher comes to get us.

Mrs. Livingston: hello new students. Welcome to Sparks private school. We are an excellent school, we are here to educate you. You may enjoy our extra curricular activities. Oh I am so sorry, my name is Mrs. Livingston . My husband Mr. Livingston the calculus teacher. I am the Chemistry Teacher. So what are your names.

Chem: My name is Chemistry

Mrs. Livingston: Fascinating. Your parents had Chemistry going on right.

Roc: I'm Roc Royal

Princeton: Princeton

Ray: I'm Ray Ray

Prod: my name is Prodigy

Yanna: I'm Iyanna

Cupcake: my name is cupcake

Starb: I'm Starburst

Lj: I'm Lj

Mrs. Livingston: ok well you can be going now.

We all left and walked around. Then I saw my other cousins Willow and Jaden Smith.

Willow: Cousin Cece is that you

Chem: yeah fly to death

Jaden: we missed you so much

Chem: I missed y'all too

Willow: so you go here now

Chem: yeah but how's uncle will

Jaden: he is good he talked to your mom. But we heard about E.A.L problems. Yeah they on us too

Willow: we can join forces. Now

Chem: yeah and I trained them

Jaden: nice, so which one of y'all is dating my little cousin

Chem: no one team single

Jaden: FYI this is a white school. We are out number.

Me and jaden compare our schedules together and we have the same classes. Willow is a 8th grader so we in a different grade. I walk into class with my little crew.


I had to leave everyone. I'm going to start a new family now. I'm pregnant by Dj big deal. I didn't tell him yet. I'm scared of the reaction of it all. I loved him with all my heart. I told my mom she didn't freak out. She just said things are going to change a lot. Dj keeps calling me and texting me but I won't answer. I know one of them told him I left. I'm just going to tell him. Oh great : ( he's calling now.

Phone Convo

Des: hello

Dj: baby why haven't you answered my calls

Des: I've been busy

Dj: but I heard you left. Why

Des: baby I'm pregnant and it's yours

Dj: why didn't you tell me before. We could have worked it out. I want to be there through the pregnancy. I'm about to book a flight to Charlotte. I'm coming to stay with you. Love you

Des: ok love you too

End of phone Convo

He made my life complete. I ran downstairs and told my mom. She said it was okay for him to stay. She said as long as he wants. Oh life is great right now.


We walked in lunch. I already made new friends. They don't like Chemistry though. If they find out that I like her it's over. So I pick on her with them. She walked by with her tray and mark tripped her.

Mark: better watch wear you going

Chem: move jerk

Roc: sit down slut. We don't need you causing attention to us. Damn hoes these days.

It really did hurt to do that. Then jaden came over.

Jaden: leave her alone. Get a life

Chemistry POV

We haven't been here a whole week and roc is already a jerk. He started picking me already. I guess I have. new bully. I didn't want to go through this again. I got off the floor and walked out the room. Roc came right up behind me.

Chem: the fuck you want

Roc: can't take a joke

Chem: you're an asshole.

Roc: I'm not. You're just so gullible

Chem: fuck you

Roc: when

Chem: get away from me. I hate you

Roc: don't act like that baby girl

Chem: I'm not you're baby girl

Roc: you're acting like a bitch

I know this nigga didn't. I walked away from him. He grabbed my arm and pushed me into the lockers. It hurt so bad.

Chem: ahh roc that hurt

Roc.: o well

Chem: get the fuck off me. You hurt me.

I pushed him and he slammed me again. I felt tears come down my face. To think he really cared about me.

Roc: awe you're crying so cute. I don't care.

That's when his NEW friends came to us.

Mark: yeah roc show her up.

Tony: yeah get her

Jaden came out and got them away from me.

Chem: I hate this school and now my life

I ran out to the house. I stayed there and cried. It was ridiculous how he was acting. Love is a bitch.


Ohhhh drama

Why roc wanna change now all of a sudden.

Friends till the end [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now