◍ XLII. Time

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//Miami, FL

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//Miami, FL.

She was walking out of the building. The goddamn hospital building which was always a bad news to her. First time in her life she entered the confines of White walls willingly, the horrible smell of disinfectants lurking to encounter what ? The harsh reality check.

Leo had forgot his phone in his car, the device rang as soon he was out of her sight. The device kept ringing and Aishwarya decided to give it back to his owner, didn't want him to miss important calls.

She had mumbled a prayer to Bappa before stepping a foot in there unaware that she was heading towards a her doom.

She had stepped a foot inside the forbidden place and found her way to Leo, it was on ground floor so a relief that she won't have to spend a lot of time in here, But the relief evaporated in thin air as her heart sunk to an endless abyss. The doctor's words brought all her happy rainbows crashing, her illusion of love faded in dust and reality strike her heart.

Ramona was pregnant and Doctor tagged him as her fiancé - indirectly the baby's father.

Ex-fiancé. She wanted to scream at the top of her voice but then, there he stood facing Ramona's sleeping figure. She couldn't see his face so she can't pin point his emotions but he certainly felt sympathy for her, Care too.

You forced him to come here.

Her conscious accused her.

If it wasn't for your constant persuasion. He wouldn't have stepped a foot inside that damn building.

"He looked a mess. He was worried for her" She reasoned.

So what ? He kept saying he didn't need to come, He had done whatever was needful. If not for you he wouldn't have drove here. You both were suppose to have lunch together, spend time before you leave Miami But you destroyed it yourself Aish. It's all because you.

She wanted to shut this voice. She felt miserable already, she didn't need anymore accusations.

Damn woman, he was trying to explain. He kept trying and you didn't let him speak. Why do you act so stubborn ? You could have listened to him once. You both could have talked it, you would have came to a solution.

What if he wasn't the father ? He was telling you something but you being you, You did not listen and now you say you feel miserable ? You shouldn't be feeling miserable Aishwarya Joshi, you should feel worst. You pushed him away. You told him to stay there with her, even if he didn't wanted to.

Aishwarya clenched her fist and shut her eyes she shouldn't be dwelling in self pity. Ramona needed his support and he should be there.

She did the right thing.

"You did the right thing Aish." She reminded herself but her heart didn't feel it right. It felt hurt, a pain she wanted gone.

She touched her chest, rubbing it to physically remove that ache. She can't keep feeling this ache which indicates everything is over. Nothing is over.

They'll talk. Just not right now.

"They'll talk." She loves him she won't throw it all away.

She had walked far away from hospital, She can't look back at the building knowing he was in there, May be cursing her for being this difficult. For once she should have thrown this stubbornness away and let him say. She could have stayed there even.

Ramona would have woke up. She would have cleared the air that Leo wasn't the father. It was that boyfriend of her. They could have walked out of the building together. Gone for the lunch and then spend the time together, would have talked more, kiss even but have been together.

Why she had walk away from there ?
Like a coward she was.

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