Chapter 6: Meeting not mending

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You heard Yuu stirring and thought that it was about time. You had been awake early enough to watch the sunrise, your favourite time of the day – when everything was slow and quiet, but somehow only yours in that moment. But that was three hours ago and you didn't want to wake Yuu up unnecessarily, but you really needed to use the restroom.

"Good morning Little Bird." He said lazily, peeping up at you through his folded arms on his pillow.

"Good morning Yuu!" you said brightly, throwing the sheets off your legs.

"What are you doing?" he asked, suddenly alert.

"I need to pee. I'm kinda desperate here." You said shyly.

"I wasn't stopping you." He said with a laugh.

"I really didn't want to wake you up. You were sleeping so peacefully." You replied, hopping from leg to leg while hanging onto your IV pole.

"Well thanks, I guess. But I really don't want to swim here, go pee."

"Awesome." You said, rushing to the loo.

While washing your hands you got a good look at your face and exposed arms. You really were a mess. Bruises matted your face and the bandages on your arms promised more raw skin underneath. Gripping the basin, you looked into the eyes staring back at you in the mirror. They were... different. Still yours. But different. A knock at the door startled you out of your moment.

"You okay in there?" Yuu asked from the other side of the door.

"Perfect." your voice pitched oddly and you cleared your throat.

"It's really not that bad, Little Bird. The bruises will fade. You're still really pretty, okay?" Yuu was all wrong and all right about how you felt. It wasn't that you were worried about the scars. No, scars were a certainty in your line of work. It was the permanence of the damage these scars would have on you as a person. It was what they would remind you of.

Chuckling, you replied with a simple "Thank you, Yuu."

You opened the door, and came face to almost face with him. Blushing, he moved out of your way awkwardly. That was weird.

"Doctor Lee will be here soon. The nurse asked me to ask if you need help getting cleaned up?" Yuu was blushing the deepest shade of red now and this made you burst out laughing.

"Yuu, I'm pretty sure she wasn't going to put your name down as a volunteer for the task. To be honest though, I'm not even sure what I'm allowed to soak and what's meant to be kept dry. I'd at least like a nurse to explain that part." you said trying to dispel his discomfort.

"Oh! Sure! I'll go call her to help you out. And I'm gonna go call Gojo Sensei while I'm out there." he said rushing out the door, leaving you a little flabbergasted. What is up with him? It's not like him to be so sensitive and attuned in these situations. The guy was thick in moments that required some finesse.


It was only after your first therapy session that afternoon when you got to see Yuu again, and you found that you had tension built up in your shoulders as a result. The tension rolled right out though, when he walked through the door. It was like he was your own personal lighthouse in the storm you were navigating in a small row boat. His face lit up when he saw your expectant face.

"Miss me?" he teased.

"Yeah," you breathed out, relieved.

This made him stumble en route to his seat. "What?" he sputtered.

"What?" you ask, wide-eyed. "I... just, uhm. Is Gojo Sensei here?" you asked, changing the subject. This was awkward.

"Uh, yeah. He is just chatting to Doctor Lee outside."

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