Chapter 11

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= Joey's POV =

-Flashback to a week before-

I sat up in the lumpy bed at the motel. I yawned, stretched, and went to brush my teeth and get ready.

Ten minutes later, I had gotten all of my stuff together, not like there was much stuff to get together anyway, and left the dingy motel. Now I was hurrying down the dirt road, making my way back to Main Street while trying to figure out where I would go next.

I had just gotten on to the road connecting me to Main Street when a hand tapped my shoulder. I looked up, startled, at a girl about 25, with dark brown hair highlighted blonde, deep brown eyes, and, I had to admit, a great body. I didn't let my eyes linger too long on her "assets", instead quirking my eyebrows at her. "Um, hi?"

She laughed. "Hi there. I just noticed that you look a little lost. This town can be a little confusing for a newbie, especially figuring out where to stay. Did you stay at the 8Motel last night?"

I laughed and said yes. She smiled. "That's the only place to room here, if you don't know anyone, which I'm assuming you don't. Now answer me honestly, did you get a good night's sleep last night?"

I laughed again and said no. That bed was extremely uncomfortable, and the ceiling had weird cobwebs that freaked me out every time I opened my eyes in the middle of the nights. I absolutely hate spiders.

She smiled again, then took my arm and pulled me along. Wordlessly, I followed.

She led me along Main Street a ways, finally stopping at a cute coffee shop. We went inside, ordered our drinks, then found a table.

She sipped her frappucino. "So, what it seems like is you don't have a place to stay. Would you want to come over to my apartment for a little while? I have a spare guest bedroom, though my bed is probably big enough for the two of us." She smiled deviously.

She was so forward, and I liked it. Girls aren't usually this straightforward, it always ends up that I have to do the work of asking them out and hoping they'll say yes. Except Stacy. No, don't think about Stacy.

I banished all thoughts of Stacy from my mind, then looked at the girl. "I'd love to," I smiled.

As we walked out, I remembered what I had wanted to ask her.

"By the way, what was your name?"

She smiled. "It's Miranda."

-End of flashback-

I sat up in the bed that Miranda and I shared, yawning. One of the many things I enjoyed about living with Miranda was the late wake up time. I looked over at the clock, and it was 12:30pm. Miranda wasn't in bed next to me, but that was to be expected. She usually got up and went out early.

I went over to the dresser drawer where my tiny amount of clothes were, intending to get dressed, but before I could, Miranda rushed into the room.

"Joey, you have to get out! Now!" She said urgently.

I frowned. "Like, leave the house? Permanently?"

She looked at me weirdly. "Of course!! Someone else is here and I can't let them know you're here!"

"Who?" I asked, confused.

She frowned. "It's my ex, Zach, and a girl named- what was it? Oh, Stacy."

I could feel all of the blood draining out of my face. Wordlessly, I nodded. How did she find me?

I grabbed all my clothes, and ran to the window. I hoisted myself out of it. "Wait, you can go out the door like a normal person," Miranda called.

"No, I can't," I called back. "I'll hope to see you again!" She yelled, and with that I jumped out. As I ran to the train station, I thought it over.

So apparently she's traveling with Graser. Why does that freak have to get involved in my business? And how the freak did they find me??

I sighed. Well, I guess it's back to riding the rails for Joey Graceffa.


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