Chapter Two: Yearning

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"We need to talk." I read on the screen of my iPhone.

My stomach did summer saults as I imagined what she would possibly have to talk to me about after what happened..

"I don't want to talk to you, Anna. Not now. Not ever." I replied, furiously pounding at the screen of my phone.

I couldn't help but anxiously wait, staring at my screen as I saw she was responding, "please Heather. Meet me at our spot. 8 o'clock."

I sigh as I glanced at the time on my clock, 7:30 it read. Reluctantly, I pulled off my old crew neck over my head and put on a Marc Jacobs chiffon top to go with my True Religion jeans.

After everything she out me through, somehow I still found myself wanting to impress her.

I grabbed my keys, and ran down the stairs, "I'll be back in an hour!" I called out over my shoulder on my way out the front door.

The ten minute car ride felt like hours, as I pondered what she could possibly have to say. After all, Anna completely screwed me over. I couldn't trust her again.

Pulling my car up into the abandoned gravel road, I gazed up at the view in front of me. Although Anna and I spent hours up here, the view never ceased to amaze me.

The spot, our spot, was the perfect ledge over the city of Los Angeles. The city lights shined like tiny stars, and the crows of people seemed thousands of miles away from us: it was our own little world.

"You came?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned to look at the direction of the voice when I saw her: Anna. Her sleek brown hair was down covering her shoulders and back with the dark locks. Her thin tan legs were visible under the short pair of athletic shorts she was wearing, along with her T-shirt representing our high school mascot, "The Triton."

"You look comfortable." I commented, not allowing her to realize how happy I found myself since I saw her. She shrugged and ran her hand through her hair, "I came here straight from working out. I couldn't stand not being able to see you." I snickered at her remark and shook my head, "yeah, I bet Anna."

She looked taken aback, and I could tell that my comment hurt her, "listen, Heather, I--"

But I cut her off, "you what Anna?' You're sorry for completely breaking my heart? For leaving me when I needed you most? Hmmm? Which one?" I saw her look down as her eyes filled with sadness, "Heather, I was scared." I could tell she was holding back tears, and I couldn't stand to see her cry. "Anna.." I said, walking towards her. She looked up at me, her mascara smudging on the sides of her eyes, "Heather I do care about you." She mumbled. By now I was almost face to face with her. I could smell her spearmint gum on her breathe, her Victoria's Secret body spray on her skin, taste her cherry lip balm. "Then prove it." I whispered to her, staring at her mouth.

I felt her eyes meet mine for a split second. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Then her gaze fell to my lips; I could sense her yearning. It had been so long since we kissed. I took a step closer to her, our noses practically touching, "I dare you." I murmured.

At that moment she grabbed the back of my neck, her mouth crashing into mine. I grabbed on to her waist, pulling her hips towards me. Her tongue danced along the outside of my teeth, teasing me. Our mouths opened slightly together as our tongues explored the others mouth. Her hands became tangled in my hair as her shirt fell to the ground. Then her shorts. Then mine. I could feel her bare skin under my hands, warm and inviting. Soft moans escaped her lips as my fingers traced her body; we knew what the other desired.

Ten minutes later I looked over at her, lying next to me on the soft grass, "so what does this mean?" I asked her. She yawned and moved closer to me, resting her head on my bare chest.

"Why does it have to mean something?" She asked me, "it's not like either of us can do something about it." And she was right. I had a reputation to uphold along with an all-star boyfriend. I couldn't risk it.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" I heard her say, as I realized she was already getting redressed. "Uh, yeah, sure." I stuttered, watching her pull her shift over her head. She unlocked her car, and moved into the drivers seat, starting the engine.

"And Heather," she called out the window, "don't tell anyone." She said, our eyes meeting. I nodded in agreement as she pulled away, leaving me yet again, alone.

I sighed and fell back into the grass, stating at the night sky.

What did I get myself into?

My High School Lesbian Love (slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now