All or one

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This chapter is dedicated to avafree13 who I'm almost 100% certain has been here since chapter 2 or 3. Thank you for reading.


The light began to filter through the window, making you sigh in defeat. You softly climb out of bed, making sure not to wake either of the men on the right side of you.

You pad outside of the room, the cold wood floor calming you down, if only slightly. You find yourself in the living room, on the couch that reminded you of the night you stayed up until the sun rose with Will. You flopped down, grabbing the quilt folded on the back of the couch. Curling up, you grab the remote on the coffee table and turn on Netflix. You click on "The British Baking Show", smiling softly. You zone out, the chilly morning air and soft light filtering through the windows making you feel safe. Before you know it, your eyes slowly close, and you drift into a light sleep. You crack open your eyes, hearing a floorboard creek and the couch sink slightly as someone sits on the couch.

"I guess she couldn't sleep." Will said softly, a hand laying softly on your ankle.

"What do you expect? It's not like it was a peaceful night." Hannibal said, voice hard and clearly upset.

"I would think after last night that, ya know, she would be tired enough to sleep okay." Hannibal laughed, but you could tell he shook his head.

"She's not the type to sleep if something is on her mind. But she's sleeping now, so let's let it stay that way." Will sighed, slowly taking his hand off of your ankle and standing up.

"We don't leave here. Jack gave us a grace period, but other agents most definitely won't." Will groaned, huffing.

"I'll start packing for her. I'll hide it." You fought the urge to jerk up and snap, but pushed it down. It went silent in the room, only the soft footsteps outside of the door from others in the apartment complex the only sound.

"She will hate us." Will voice was raspy and you could tell tears were on the verge of spilling.

Hannibal sighed through his nose, the patter of his feet getting closer to Will.

"We can always reconsider. I know how much this upsets you dear," Hannibal said, and you couldn't help the soft smile that graced your face at the kindness in his voice, the conversation topic aside.

"No. We all leave or only she leaves. I'm not putting her in prison. I refuse."

There was a shuffle of feet, and the door to the living room shut. You grit your teeth, anger rising in you. You wait for a few minutes, then get up, slowly walking out of the room, squinting.

You pad into the kitchen, eyes locking into Hannibal, his glasses perched on his nose, a book clutched in his hands.

"What time is it?" You put a slight growl in your voice, rubbing your eyes for extra effect.

Hannibal looks up, smiling. "About 8:30."

You groan, leaning against the door frame. Laying your head against the cool wood, you close your eyes. You feel the stare of Hannibal on you, but ignore the heat of it.

You look at him finally, challenging that stare. He sighs, closing his book as he gets up.

You hold your arms out, open as he walks closer. He wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing you lightly as he buries his head in your neck. You giggle, arms around his chest.

"Good morning to you too," you say. "Where's Will?"

Hannibal freezes slightly, arms loosening. You tilt your head, acting confused.

"I think he's asleep. I came down here not to wake him up." You smile, nodding.

"I'm still tired, I think I'm going to go join him. It's still early, no matter what your old ass says."

Hannibal nodded, but you could feel him stiffen slightly. You pull away from his embrace, kissing him on the forehead before embarking back to your bedroom.

You softly step, wondering if you would catch Will.

You open the door, frowning as you look inside. Will sat on the floor, a suitcase open stuffed with clothes and other belongings.

His head snaps towards you, eyes wide. You look, disappointment written on your face. He gives you a small sad smile, hands falling in his lap.

You shuffle inside, coming to sit beside him on the floor. You turn your body towards him, putting a hand under his chin to shift his face towards your's.

"I'm not leaving without the two of you.  You won't be able to make me. You know that."

Will nodded, leaning on your hand. Turning his head sideways, he placed his cheek against your palm.

"Please. I don't think I could live with myself if you went to prison."

You run your free hand through his curls, biting the inside of your cheek. His eyes were half closed, his hair a mess, and you had to ignore the urge to kiss him.

"I couldn't live with myself if the two of you went to prison and I went free." Will sighed, nodding slightly.

"We'll figure something else out, I promise. But whatever we do, we do together. No making decisions without me anymore."

Will nodded, eyes darting between your eyes and you lips. You smile, leaning in ever so slightly.


my autocorrect stopped working half way through this, so that was a nightmare. anyway, hope you have a wonderful day and I love you all!

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