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"The man only cares about money nothing more and nothing less sweetheart" Hidan explained softly to you watching your body however he allowed his gaze to move elsewhere. You ignored his words feeling like the man hadn't a clue about your boss, he was always caring and made sure that you were safe and happy each working day.

"I will choose to believe what I want pretty boy" you spoke softly finishing a small wound taking a small breath. "Kakuzu looks after me, I can't have you getting his office in a mess" You spoke once more seeing Hidan lean back in the chair and close his eyes thinking quietly to himself.

A small smirk appeared on his face as you went through Kakuzu's first aid kit. "You think I'm pretty baby ?" he spoke making a small blush rise to your cheeks as you shook your head dismissing the action and the words he spoke. "My name is (Y/N) and yes you're pretty, pretty annoying" you spoke looking at the man raising a brow noticing another wound.

"Do you mind taking your top off, I can see another small opened wound that should be taken care of" you spoke softly to the man keeping your eyes on him making sure he didn't get up or wonder around. "You could buy me dinner first, I'm starving" he sighed softly opening his magenta eyes once more staring at your figure, you shuffled a little at the feeling of the mans eyes on you.

"Just behave and do as I say" you spoke crossing your arms waiting for Hidan to do as you told him. The silver haired man stared at you for a few seconds before sighing softly standing up. Hidan slipped his hoodie off throwing it on the floor in the distance, he grabbed the hem of his shirt pulling it up and over his head tossing it to his hoodie.

Hidan sat back down sighing as he leaned back, resting his arms on the chair as he gazed at you giving a small smirk. "Better ?" he spoke in a slightly deeper tone which caught you off guard your eyes followed from his face to his chest, he was slightly toned with a few small scars however your eyes widened as you noticed one very large scar which started from his neck and got worse as it trailed down his chest.

"How the fuck did that happen ?!" you spoke lost for words as you pointed towards his chest. Hidan followed where you were pointing letting out a small hum. He let out a soft chuckle closing his eyes as he relaxed "my body is littered with shit like that, it isn't as bad as it looks. My God Jashin helped me survive, I think they are a conversation starter and with your reaction my point is proved" he continued to laugh as you calmed yourself down.

You took a small breath not believing what the man had said "you hurt yourself so people will notice and ask you questions ?" you asked him preparing another needle before getting a bit closer to the man starting to sow up a small wound that was on his collarbone.

"Not at all cutie" he started opening his eyes noticing you were closer, a small blush appeared over his cheeks and nose. Your eyes were focused on the wound so you hadn't seen his reaction Hidan hummed softly "I am immortal and in return for that immortality I sacrifice bastards for Jashin, He protects me and allows me to spread his word." He spoke feeling proud of his religion and answer.

You paused at his words, stopping your actions as you looked up at him giving a small laugh shaking your head. "Immortal, yeah right and I can shoot lasers from my eyes" you spoke softly continuing to patch the man up. Hidan furrowed his brows as he stared at you "I am immortal and your old bastard of a boss can vouch for it, even he has some weird immortality" Hidan spoke sighing softly as he ran a hand through his grey messed hair. 

"Sure, sure and I have laser eyes, you sure you don't have a concussion of some sort ?" you spoke checking the man over for any other cuts or damage. Hidan rolled his eyes continuing to watch and secretly love how close you were to him "I don't.. anyway how is a cute girl like you working for that old guy ?" Hidan spoke changing the subject you hummed softly checking the kit noticing Kakuzu was almost out of bandages.

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