(2) Wallowing In Remorse

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       The new apartment seemed quiet without Tom around. Of course, he wasn't a really loud person, but Matt and Edd weren't horsing around much. They didn't talk very often except for few-word sentences like:
       "Hi," or "How are you?" The once overbearing energy seemed to have drained out of the two like a faucet left on too long. They still went out for groceries once in a while, but most of the time, they stayed in their apartments, curled up on a sofa, silently comforting each other.

       Edd knocked on Matt's door. They had both struggled with Tom's death, but Edd had taken it the hardest. He believed that if he had picked up the little signs that something was wrong, or just took Tom seriously for once, he could have prevented this.

       Matt opened the door. Even though Matt wasn't as troubled by Tom's passing, he still felt bad about it. Not even his own sad reflection could cheer him up. Edd walked in the room. He didn't ask permission. He knew he didn't need to. Matt closed the door a followed Edd to the couch, where he sat down and they curled up together with a blanket and played a random channel on the television. The show didn't matter. They just needed background noise.
       "It's been almost a month now, but it still feels like yesterday," Edd said in a whispering tone, his voice dry from lack of talking. Matt didn't need to ask what he meant. He knew. Edd played the memory of their childhood friend's casket being lowered into the ground in his head. It stung. Not wanting to think about it anymore, Edd snuggled more into Matt's shoulder and started to watch the show.

(Posted May 26, 2021)

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