y/n Campbell

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"But how did it even mess her up?" Octavia asked the mechanic who was typing furiously on the desktop keyboard. Raven had previously taken apart the generator and fixed the power resulting in the flickering computer screens and monitors to hum to life.

"What do you think I'm trying to figure out Octavia? How to make chocolate mousse out of tree bark? No. I'm trying to figure out what happened to his-her settings". It was obvious to Octavia, lexa and Clarke that the raven haired girl was frustrated at not being able to figure something out for her own invention.

"What do we name her?" Clarke spoke up for the first time in a while. Raven slowly stopped typing and wheeled around ever so slowly. Her face set in a motion as if adjusting her word choice to not be too rude. "What- what's her name?" raven repeated Clarke's question and the blonde nodded.

"Mhm. We can' just keep calling her 'her' " Clarke explained and waited expectantly once she finished for a response from the girl who still had her face morphed into something that looked as though it had been paused. "Clarke, I think her name is probably the least of our worries right now" raven got out in a gritted tone while exaggerating the word 'least'. "I-" Clarke went to reply again but lexa placed a hand on her shoulder causing the blonde to glance at her long enough to see her shake her head no.

A couple of seconds of silence passed before an unfamiliar voice spoke up reminding all 4 of them that said person without a name was in fact right next to them.

"What is my name, though?"

The girl was still sitting quietly where raven had instructed her to sit while she went through the robot girl's hard drive through a port behind the girl's ear. All 4 of the girls looked towards her, none of them really knowing what to say.

"Um. What do you want your name to be?" lexa was the first to break the silence that had fallen between them. "Um... I- what are your names?" the girl went to speak but backtracked and asked a question of her own.

"Well, this is raven, Octavia and Clarke and I'm lexa" the brunette introduced herself and the other 3. The girl nodded, flickering her eyes between all of them

"That didn't exactly help like I imagined" the girl on the floor mumbled to herself and raven raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" the mechanic waited for a response.

"I mean, I thought that hearing all of your names would...would- give me a spark? I don't know. Maybe just remind me if I had a name or something." she let out quietly, seeming as though disappointed in herself.

"It's alright if you don't have a name yet." Clarke said assuringly and the others nodded along.

"Yeah! I didn't have a name until like 3 weeks after I was born" Octavia gave an example and the others looked at her confused.

"What? That's what Bellamy said, in fact! His exact words were "we couldn't figure out a name for you straight away because we had to find a name that suited how ugly you were'...wait" Octavia stopped, thinking about how her words sounded "thinking back on it that was probably a lie"

"You think?" Clarke asked sarcastically while tapping her upside the head lightly.

"Anyway, that's not the point-"
"and it definitely wouldn't of helped if it were-"

"AS I WAS SAYING" Octavia talked over Clarke as she cut her off. "Having a name straight away doesn't matter. You'll probably have one eventually"

"Hopefully" raven muttered causing Octavia to nudge her as well as she could while the mechanic was in a wheelie chair.

"For real though what should we call you?" raven asked the robot.

"That's literally what we're working on raven" Clarke said as if the genius mechanic were stupid.

"I know! But it doesn't have to be permanent. Just a temporary name for a temporary problem." She explained.

"Just something to call her while one of us finds a name. That's not a bad idea." Octavia nodded.

"You are a girl right?" lexa asked the 'girl' and they shrugged.

"I think so? Do I look... female?" the robot asked.

"Yeah, female enough" raven shrugged.

"What does 'female enough' mean?" Octavia asked in a laugh.

"Some guys look more feminine then me O, and I'm actually a girl" Octavia nodded in understanding but couldn't help the small chuckle that left her lips.

'alright, so you're a girl until you tell us otherwise, now we just need a name" lexa concluded as if it was that simple.

(A.n. sorry if this was offensive to any gender questioning people)

"How about what's her face?.... ummm, what's her name from that TV show? Something Campbell! Anyone?" Octavia was wracking her mind for the first name.

"You mean y/n Campbell? From that old warrior show we watched as kids?" lexa asked with a laugh.

"Yes! The one you and Anya watched a dozen times and I had to sit through it nearly every time we hung out" she said with a grumble as if the mere thought of watching it again was near torture.

"I think that's a good idea" lexa agreed while nodding, not being able to hold in a childish chuckle.

"Well I think its fine, what about you Clarkey?" raven asked the blonde who nodded as well "it works, having a last name is good as well"

"Okay, it's settled then, robot girl's temporary name is y/n Campbell, you alright with that name?" Octavia asked the girl on the floor who nodded hesitantly "I guess" she responded.

"And if it doesn't stick it doesn't matter because it gives us time to find you a new name" Octavia finished and y/n nodded.

"sounds good." we all agreed.

really short chapter, sorry. next will be longer but I just felt bad for not updating in like 2 weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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