Chapter One: The Weekend

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This is actually originally published on FanFiction.Net! If you want to follow me on there my user is ThatGirlOverThere12 (same user as here). So if the formatting is off, it's because I copied and pasted on here. That's why within the story bold and italics will probably not be in here. For a better experience read it on FanFiction.Net. You don't have to get the app it's online and my story's easy to find. Now everything you read from here is a copy and paste from when I first started writing this in April.

Hello, this is my first fanficton :) hope you enjoy. I wrote a lot of fanfics when I was younger but they all got deleted awhile ago unfortunately. I've been into American Dragon for only about a month. It was around when i was growing up but it was more my brother's show. Now I love it but the season 2 redesign really messed me up lol. I ship Trixie x Jake but I don't mind Rose x Jake. I'm not sure if I'll do any pairing that isn't in the show already so if you don't like Trixie x Jake don't worry. But i might change my mind.

Sorry for this long author's note, you probably skipped over it.


This takes place in Jake's junior year of high school in a more recent setting, despite the show being made in the early 2000s. This story is content for American Dragon fans who miss the show. That's why it's just comforting stories of what happens with Jake and his friends (and OCs) after the show ended and what adventures they have.


There is swearing and sexual innuendos eventually (since they're teenagers) plus more mature topics along the way. It's only rated T for now until anything more sensitive is written.

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Jake pushed himself forward on his skateboard, feeling the Sunday autumn wind blow through his green tinted hair. He closed his eyes, taking in the fresh air into his lungs.

"Jake, watch out!" Trixie yelped.

Jake swung his eyes open and swiftly dodged a little girl. She shrieked but quieted down once she realized she was alright. Jake sighed, relieved.

If it wasn't for her focusing on skateboarding, Trixie would've smacked him upside the head. She asked rhetorically, "Who closes their eyes while skateboarding?"

"Apparently Jake," Spud responded in his usual carefree, nasally voice.

"My bad, Trix. It ain't that deep," Jake said, trying to push the incident aside since he was slightly embarrassed with himself.

Trixie scoffed, "'Not that deep'? You could've ran her over; she was so tiny."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya," Jake muttered.

The three friends stopped skating at an ice cream place.

"It is so exhausting hangin' out with boys 24/7," Trixie added, resting her board on the side of the building, "why don't the universe just send down a girl for me to hang out with?"

Jake put his board next to her's. "I don't think it's the universe's fault," he laughed.

"Yeah, you don't like hanging out with girls," Spud said, putting his skateboard down as well.

"No, no, you got me wrong. I'on like all that girl stuff that comes with havin' a girlfriend. Y'know, the nail paintin', giggly talk, flim-flam." She entered the store. "If I could find a girl who don't do that stuff, we'll be tight."

"So what you're saying is, you want a girl just like you?" Jake asked jokingly.

"Nah, man. She don't have to be like me." They stood in line. "She just can't be the typical girl. She gotta be different. But that'll never happen at our school."

"It would be hard to hang out with someone who doesn't know about the-" Spud whispered, "AmDrag."

"Spud," Trixie smiled, "that might be the smartest thing you've eva said."

He nodded, "Thank you, thank you."

After they ordered, the three sat on a bench next to the store to finish their ice cream.

"Why did we pick ice cream in November?" Trixie shivered.

"It's not even cold you just chose to wear that," Jake gestured to Trixie's short sleeve crop top.

"And what is wrong with what I got on?"

"Nothing, nothing. Ayo, so who's gonna help me with my English homework?" Jake asked.

"Don't look at me, look at Spud," Trixie told him.


"Yeah, he got an A and everything."

"Spud?!" Jake asked again.

"I know. Shocking."

"What can I say? I got a way with words," Spud winked.

Jake looked at Spud, then back at Trixie. "Are you sure we talkin' about the same Spud?"

Trixie pushed him playfully. "Leave the boy alone. It makes sense, remember when he was so good at Shakespeare back in middle school?"


"The play, dummy."

Spud elbowed his clueless friend. "The one where we kissed."

"Oh!" Jake's face brightened red. He muttered sarcastically, "How could I forget.."

Trixie and Spud busted out laughing. "You saw his face?" Trixie roared.

"Yes!" Spud calmed down. "Say what, I'll help you tomorrow after school. When is that thing due?"

"At the end of the week."

"Bet. We'll be fine," Spud sunk in his seat, biting his cone. Trixie was still laughing.

"Trix's place sound good?" Jake asked Spud.


Her laughter surely ended. "What? Why my place?"

"Thought you wouldn't mind since you find it so funny," Jake smirked. "Plus, I know you got no plans."

"I do!" She stood. "I got plenty of plans!"

Jake tossed his cup. "Really? With who and where?"

She crossed her arms. "Uh, that's my business. You don't gotta be all in it."

"So what you're saying is we can come over?" Spud asked.

Trixie slouched. "Whatever."

I knoww this is short. This is just to set the tone so you know where the characters are at. You'll get more of a description in the next chapter so you can visualize a more aged up version of them and other characters, too. April break is soon so you'll get a lot of updates. If I don't update, just spam me with reviews lol

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