Chapter I - The Fire Godmother

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Another day of the clock tower striking six meant another day of Isabella's work. Isabella was blessed with the honor of slaving for her "family" every day. Isabella never really considered Elizabeth a mother to her. After the death of her real mother, Isabella was forced by her now passed away father to be amiable and courteous towards the woman. Elizabeth insisted, demanded even, to be referred to as "Mother" by all other people living in the household, which consisted of Isabella and the daughters of Elizabeth, who were arguably a worse family than Elizabeth.

Isabella rolled out of bed and put on her work clothes, even though the term "rags" would be a more appropriate term than "clothing." She brushed the dust off of her dress and left her attic where she kept her bed. She quickly walked down the stairs that took her all the way to the bottom level where the kitchen lay. As she entered the kitchen, she acknowledged the darkness, as well as the coldness, in the kitchen. She walked to a cupboard and opened it. She reached around trying to find a box, and after a few seconds of tapping the shelf of the cupboard, she found a box filled with matches. She struck a match and lit a small lamp placed by the stove.

After about an hour of work, Isabella had the stove filled with pots and a kettle as she made breakfast for her sleeping housemates. She had three plates filled with eggs and sausage she had bought from a farmer outside the village, as well as slices of an apple from a tree her mother had planted in their backyard before she passed. She carried the plates into the dining room and then set out a basket of scones. As she finished placing silverware and glasses for each plate, she noticed her older stepsister, Amelia, waltz into the room with a very expected attitude.

"Well, isn't this an interesting meal." She brushed her finger on one of the counters and examined the dust that had rubbed onto her finger. "Good thing there are no guests, or they'd believe me if I said we're poor." She gave Isabella a nasty look as she sat at the table.

"You could at least fill my glass," Amelia said as she brushed her finger along the top of the glass.

"I'm so sorr-" Amelia cut Isabella off.

"Don't waste my time with your apologies! I'm thirsty." Isabella ran to the kitchen before filling a pitcher with water. As she walked back to the dining room she noticed Amelia's more pleasant sister, Elaine had seated herself at the table. She filled Amelia's glass.

"Good morning, Ella," Elaine said with a smile as Isabella filled Elaine's glass with water. "This breakfast looks amazing!" Elaine always did her best to make Ella feel appreciated, and it was anything but unnoticed. Ella began to speak to show her gratitude for the compliment before Amelia cut her off.

"If you thank her for that little pity party she gave you, I will throw up right here. This isn't something to proud of." Amelia took a very aggressive bite of an apple slice as she rolled her eyes.

"How are the three most beautiful girls in the world doing this morning?" The three girls looked at their mother—stepmother in Ella's case—as she pulled out a handheld mirror and looked at herself. She looked away from her mirror to Ella.

"Oh, I didn't see you there Isabella." Elizabeth and Amelia screamed with laughter as Elaine took a drink of her water. Isabella filled her stepmother's glass as the room calmed down.

"Oh, mother," Amelia said as she tried to recover from her laughter "you're just too much sometimes"

"I know I am, but I just can't help it" Elizabeth took a drink from her freshly poured glass. Ella had learned to simply just ignore Elizabeth's mocking comments. After the death of her father, Ella realized the change in her stepmother's demeanor. The woman seemed to stop mourning her dead husband only two days after the funeral. After that, Isabella was driven out of her room to allow Amelia to have a room of her own, and Isabella was turned into the house's maid. She placed the pitcher of water in the center of the table and then walked back through the kitchen and out the back door.

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