Chapter III - An Enchanted Festival

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"What on earth are you wearing?" Elizabeth shrieked as she walked into the dining room for breakfast. Ella looked down at the small, fluffy, pink dress she had put on.

"Well, I thought I should try on one of my dresses this morning" Ella explained.

"You think breakfast is a runway for fashion designers who are mediocre at best?" Elizabeth hissed.

"No," Ella rebutted "Since the festival is tonight, I thought I should prepare."

"You want to go to the festival?" She heard Amelia say as walked into the kitchen.

"You are not going to the festival," Elizabeth said. Ella paused before she began to walk back to the kitchen

"It was stated all maidens of the kingdom must go." Ella turned around to see Elaine walk into the room defending her.

"The King wants a daughter-in-law," Elizabeth said while looking Ella up and down, "I don't think the Prince is into..." She paused. "Amelia, What's the word?"

"Maids? Ugly ragamuffins? The lack of hygiene?" Amelia replied.

"It doesn't matter," Elizabeth said "What matters is your too ugly for a Prince. You belong as a servant." Ella paused as Elizabeth and Amelia's words soaked into her. She walked to the backyard and fell underneath the tree. Ella felt something she hadn't felt in years: Emotion. After the death of her parents, Ella had no one. She spent time with her stepsisters before, but once her father had passed, Elizabeth cut her off from anyone she could call family, anything that could bring her love. As Ella's family died, her emotion went with it. She never spoke. She never cried. She barely even smiled. She didn't ever make decisions—unless her family's meal plan was counted—She forgot what making a decision was even like, which was why she told Cyra she didn't know if she wanted to go with her.

At this point, Ella was sobbing beyond anyone's control. Never in her life had she felt so much hated. Never in her life had she felt so humiliated. She wanted to run away, but where to? She had nowhere. Most people besides a few farmers outside the village who she traded with didn't know her. She was trapped in a life of misery. A life where she was cursed. The only escape was to create a new life. She realized where she needed to go, and at that moment she saw a familiar flame grow from the ground as the clock struck nine.


Ella had never been to a ball before, but it was more than she could have ever imagined. The sound of trumpets blaring as she entered the hall combined with the chocolate-covered hors d'oveuveres made her more than excited.

"Excuse me," Ella heard a voice behind her say. She turned around to see a woman wearing some of the most gorgeous jewelry she had ever seen and a pink ballgown similar to hers. Surely this woman was familiar with balls and realized Ella didn't. She felt her heart stop as she began to sweat.

"Um," Ella stuttered, "Me?"

"Yes," the woman smiled. "I can't help but admire your dress, dear."

"Oh," Ella was surprised. She had never been complimented on anything before. "Thank you."

"I must know who made it." The woman bent down a little to get a closer look at the skirt. Ella paused trying to think of what to say. After all, she wasn't even sure if they believed in fairies.

"I'm friends with an excellent seamstress" Ella replied.

"Does she have a name, and where could I find her." the woman inquired

"Cyra," Ella answered. "Although I'm not sure she's interested in customers right now."

"Well, that's a shame," the woman said. "I would give her an arm and a leg for a dress like that." The woman walked off and Ella turned around to be greeted by a familiar face with a glare.

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