Chapter 4

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"Uh, yes!" I said. I couldn't wait for this new life to start. She didn't disprove anything about me. I have 2 tattoos (one of a cross on my ankle and infitiny sign on my right ring finger) and I have a tongue piercing too. She loved my tattoos and piercing. I wonder what her children looked like. Especially the ones that are my age.

It was werid flying, especially since it was the first time I've been on a plane and the first time I've been out of Oklahoma. She told me that New York was a wonderful place. The best pizza and they lived in the suburbs but they were also twenty minutes to town!

We got off the plane and she ran up to a guy who looked like he was in college. He looked like a damn god. He had blonde hair and was fucking buffed up. She told that is Justin. Also on a sports scholarship. The other two college boys were on scholarships for academics.

We got into the Mercedes and drove for about 30 minutes. We got to their house and all I could say was "Damn!"

The house was three stories tall. It had a movie room and a basketball court and tennis court also a full indoor gym. I saw all the kids who played sports working out. I walked in and Nicole immediately ran up to someone and hugged him judging by age I guess he was her husband. His name was Greg. He ran up to me and gave me a big hug. Then we went up these stairs and he opened a door to a room. It had light blue walls with gold details on the celling. A macbook air was on the desk also a closet stuffed with designer clothes and shoes. New York just seemed to be getting better and better.

Later at dinner everybody introduced me. Why did all of their kids look like gods too. The first who came up were the Max, Jamie, Justin. They went to Oklahoma University, so they were very close to home. They had blonde hair with brown eyes. Justin was the buffed up one while the other two preferred academics. They all have scholarships. Justin said, "We would love to stay and chat but we need to get back to school tomorrow, so we going to bed."

"Okay." I said.

All three of them said, "We're so sorry."

"Don't be. It's fine." I said

They all gave me hugs which was surprising since we all just met. Harley was up next. He had wavy brown hair with brown eyes with gold flecks in them. He was a senior that has a full scholarship to LSU (Louisiana State University.) He came up and said, "Beware! Channing is quite the player."

Channing stood up and said, "No I'm not I just happen to date a lot of girls."

"The definition of a player." Harley spoke

Their dad said "Calm down, and Harley say that you're sorry."

Harley muttered it, "Fine! I'm sorry."

We all got back to introducing ourselves. Channing came up he had blonde hair with gold flecks in them just like Harley. Channing said, "Well, you kinda already know me since of my brother, but hi plus I'm a sophomore too."

"Okay." I said with a smile.

The people that came up were Colt and Nash. They're twins but look nothing alike. Colt has blonde hair with blue eyes and Nash has brown hair with just plain brown eyes. Both of them played basketball and were being scouted by top colleges. Nash said with a smile, "So we are juniors."

I replied with, "I'm a sophomore and it really nice it meet you!"

They suddenly look sad and said, "We actually have a report due tomorrow and need to go start on it."

I looked at them and said, "Nah, it's fine go start on your report."

Those two raced up the stairs mighty fast. You kinda expect that with basketball players. The three girl triplets came up to me still in their spanxs and jerseys on. I guess they just had practice or a game. Their names are Johanna, Delia, Willow. They all have blonde hair expect Willow she had brown hair but they all had blue eyes. They were 5th graders. Willow said, "It's so nice to meet you!"

I said,  "Yeah it really is!"

Delia asked, "Do you play volleyball?"

"No" I said feeling like a black sheep out of white sheep.

"Oh, it's fine we'll teach you." said Johanna.
"Yay!" I said excitingly.

"We have to go now. We are really tired from practice." said Willow.

I said bye to them all and they went upstairs. Jason and Jackson were twins and in the 2nd grade. They both had brown hair and blue eyes. They were just little trouble makers. Jason said, "Hello nice to meet you!" These kids couldn't be trouble markers they were the cutest things ever.

Jackson asked Nicole, "Mommy can we go upstairs?"

Nicole replied with, "Sure but in two hours it's bedtime."

"Okay." both spoke and run up the stairs.

Then a very little kid came up to me and said, "I'm Ollie and I drew thus picture for you."

I lifted him up and took the picture and said "This is so cute!" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He had the cutest dimples you will ever see. He still slurred a couple of his words but he's a preschooler so he talks very well for one. He had blonde hair and brown eyes with gold flecks.  He asked Nicole,  "Can I go upstairs Mommy I'm tired."

"Of course!" replied Nicole.

All of the kids are upstairs now etheir sleeping or writing or just playing around. I looked at Greg's blonde hair with blue eyes. Then I looked at Nicole's black hair with brown eyes with the gold flecks. I asked "Can I go upstairs? I'm kinda jetlagged."

"Sure." said both of them.

I went upstairs took a quick shower and took out my piercing and fell right onto the bed. I thought to myself my life is a whole lot better and just drifted away into sleep, well, that was before I was woken up by a scream.

I'm so sorry that this took forever to publish.  I've been super busy lately. I hope you liked this. Ily all.

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