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"I'm going to miss you both

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"I'm going to miss you both." You say, trying to take hold of your uncontrollably falling tears now that it's time to say goodbye to them. Your friends pull you in a hug, crying themselves.

"We will stay in contact, don't cry Y/n-ah" Yuna rubs your back.

"You both were lucky to get enrollment in the same university" You wipe your tears and look at your best friends.

"Nope, you're lucky to get enrolled in the Seoul University." Aera smiles.

"Well she is the top student of our class, how can she not" Yuna says and tickles you making you laugh.

"No but seriously I'll murder you both if you break contact." You playfully threaten them and they both break in fits of laughter.

The three of you chat a little more, revisiting all those different pages of past, talking about the times you did silly and funny things together, laughing over those silly arguments, sharing memories after memories while taking a walk around the school as the school allowed everyone to stay there until 9pm to give the students time to revisit the past which they're going to leave behind.

"Y/n see who is behind you." Yuna smirks and you turn around to see what she was talking about, a sigh comes out of your mouth when you see Yoongi there.

"Ooh! It's the basketball boy!" Aera giggles before continuing.

"I don't know what you even saw in him, I mean yes he is cute and all but he seems too cold and distant. I've even rarely seen him smile!"

"Come on Aera, he's not cold! Have you ever seen him feeding and playing with the cat that lives in that abandoned building? Or have you ever seen him playing basketball with those little kindergarten and primary students of the school?" You exclaim definitely triggered by Aera's remark.

Yes, you promised yourself to move on but feelings can't be erased in just a day and of course you can't stay silent after listening something wrong about the boy you've had feelings for over four whole years.

"I haven't because I wasn't the one who was stalking him." She replies.

"I never stalked anyone!"

"Okay okay guys, calm down! I think it's time for me to leave now" Yuna sadly smiles, her eyes glistening with tears as she puts her phone in her pant's pocket.

"Take care guys!" You hug your friends as they both are finally leaving now.

"You too and yes, don't forget about the challenge!" Yuna and Aera laugh and leave while you were still sitting on the bench of your school's playground, watching both of them disappear in the darkness.

It was 7 in the evening already and you still had a thing left to do today and you were watching your ex-classmates leave when a voice startled you.

"You didn't go home yet?"

It was Yoongi, the basketball boy as Aera used to call him.

"I wasn't feeling like it. What about you, you're still here too" You smile, watching him take a seat beside you and a feeling of nervousness settles inside you.

It's not like you're talking to him for the first time. Of course not! Being the topper of your class the teachers sometimes assigned you to help him with the studies when he was busy with the inter school basketball tournaments.

"I wasn't feeling like it either. So what are your plans now?" He asks you looking around the now empty school campus.

"I'm moving to Seoul next month to take literature courses from the Seoul University. What about you?"

"I sent an enrollment request mail to them for music courses but I didn't get any replies. So I guess I'll be staying here in Daegu and maybe be a part of the basketball team." You hear a sigh leaving his mouth.

You were always intrigued by the fact that he was an all rounder. Other than being one of the best basketball players of Daegu he was also a good rapper and his passion for producing music was known by everyone in the school. All of this while getting good grades in all the subjects. You kept thinking how he even managed to do all this altogether.

"It's too late to say this but, Y/n I like you. I don't have any expectations but I just wanted to let you know." He suddenly says in between of the talks, surprising you because that was exactly what you yourself wanted to tell him.

Now that you know he has feelings for you too, the words that left his mouth made you feel even more stupid for not making a move.

You turn to look at him, contemplating if you should say you like him too.

Just say it dumbass! It's not that hard.

"Umm Yoongi, actually I.....I like you too." You mentally facepalm yourself for stuttering.

"Wow, cool." He replies weirdly as if he wasn't expecting this.

The atmosphere around you becomes awkward as neither you nor him were ready to say anything, not even looking at each other and you had this urge to get up and escape this situation as soon as possible.

"I guess I should go home now it's getting late. Good luck for the future! Bye." You hastily say without looking at him and turn to leave.

"Y/n-ah?" His sudden call halts your step and you turn to see him running towards your direction.

"You're leaving next month, right?" He asks looking at you.

"Yes. Why?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you can meet me tomorrow at the cafe near the school at 5." He says in a breath as if he was nervous.

In this type of situation you wish Aera was here because you had no idea what you should say. On one side, your crush is asking you for a date and on the other side lies your promise to yourself that you'll move on.

What do I do now?

"Sure." You smile.

Fuck the promise, I'm going to take the chance.


Here is the second part...
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Stay safe and take care : )

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