Please Don't Leave Me...

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A/N: Thank you for being patient and sorry it took so long. I know what I'm dealing with Health wise now and am working on getting it under control.

"Whatever", Childe huffed as he slowly walked out of the room with a blank look on his face.

"I do not believe that was necessary Signora,"  Zhongli said, crossing his arms with a stern look on his face. 

Signora let out an exasperated sigh and put a sly smile on her face," Maybe not, but it was rather amusing. Shall we move on to the matter of your payment? For someone such as yourself, I expected you to demand something much more valuable."

"Perhaps you expected me to seek the riches of man however such things hold no true value to me. He on the other hand is worth much more to me than you'll ever know, "Zhongli said looking Signora directly in the eyes.

Signora wrinkled her nose as a look of disgust made its way on her face. "Very well Per the contract you signed with the Tsaritsa the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbinger Tartaglia is free from the service of Snezhnaya without consequence or exile should he choose to leave the Fatui. Do inform me of his decision as soon as possible so that way we can begin searching for a suitable replacement if necessary."

"Of course," Zhongli said coldly before exiting the bank.

As He exited the building Zhongli approached one of the guards stationed at the doors. "Excuse me, but did you see the direction Childe went after leaving?" The guard pointed in the direction of Childe's Apartment. "Thank you," Zhongli said with a smile before making his way to Childe's current residence.

As Zhongli walked he wondered how Childe would react to news of his release from the Fatui's service. The ginger always talked about how he'd leave if he could, surely he would love it. It's not like there's any reason he wouldn't like it after all Childe would be able to stay with him. They'd be able to settle down and start a family just like Childe wanted. The man would even be able to see his family more often without risking their safety as well. Finally arriving at the apartment Zhongli made his way up the stairs to Childe's door. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Zhongli put a warm smile on his face and knocked.

It had been only a few seconds since Zhongli knocked before a loud crash was heard. "Childe? Is everything alright?" the man called out the concern in his voice.  After a few more seconds of Silence, Zhongli knocked again, this time with more force. "Childe! Please Answer Me! Childe!," Zhongli yelled as he continued banging on the door.  Taking a step back, Zhongli rushed at the door and kicked it open. The first thing he noticed as he entered the apartment was the strong smell of blood coming from the bedroom.

Immediately Zhongli ran to the bedroom hoping Childe was alright 'Please let him be alright,' Zhongli thought as he entered the room. The sight that lay before him would haunt him for the rest of his semi-immortal life. Childe was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood looking pale and lifeless with one of his daggers in his chest. "Childe!" Zhongli exclaimed as he dropped to his knees beside the man. Lifting Childe to his lap, Zhongli brought his hand to the injured man's neck to check for a pulse. Although very weak it was there meaning Zhongli had a chance to try and save him.

Zhongli began tapping Childe's face in an attempt to wake him. Keeping the man awake would be best considering how severe the injury was. "Childe open your eyes," Zhongli begged, unsteady and filled with worry. Slowly Childe's eyes fluttered open with a duller color than his normal Ocean Blue eyes.

"Zhongli...," Childe mumbled gazing up at the man.

Zhongli nearly burst into tears, "Yes, I'm here. Everything's going to be fine, ok? Just hold on for me." Carefully Zhongli gathered the ginger in his arms before lifting him and running out of the apartment towards Bubu Pharmacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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