Falling Asleep On The Train

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    Fundy sat in a train, he was in Florida going to meet dream, as well as a few of his other online friends. Fundy fidgeted in his seat as he scanned the cart. Phone in hand as he waited for any of his friends to message their whereabouts, or better, dream to text him that he was almost at the train station or already there. Even if that was not going to happen anytime soon. Especially with how early it was.

     He sighed, being anxious and tired wasn’t a good combination. He leaned on his back pack that sat on the seat next to him. He’d make everyone stand as long as nobody sat next to him. He seemed to close his eyes for a second before sitting up straight, he was not going to fall asleep on the subway. How embarrassing would it be to fall asleep and miss his stop. He decided to try and distract himself from his anxious thoughts.

     Dream had said he would meet him at the train station. Everyone else had arrived in Florida the day prior. While fundy’s flight got delayed so he arrived late at night. Though fundy had decided to leave for the train a bit earlier in the morning. Which meant there was a chance dream wouldn't be there yet, and everyone else was still asleep. The last thing fundy wanted was to be alone at the train station for the next few hours. Fundy sighed as he regretted his decision, he should've stayed in the hotel room.

     The reason fundy left so early was because he couldn’t sleep. He always had nightmares, so getting lots of sleep was impossible. Since he was awake he thought he would just head off to the train station. He, of course, regretted it more the closer he got to his destination. Anyone would rather hang out at a hotel instead of a train station, especially this early. Fundy sighed, he was tired, the sleepless night was going to catch up to him.

     Fundy decided to scroll through his discord messages with dream, double checking he had everything right. Both as a distraction from falling asleep, and also his anxiety running wild. Fundy had last texted dream last night when he checked into the hotel. Dream had been adamant on fundy texting him when he got there. Fundy just guessed dream was worried. Perhaps it would’ve been better to call dream or text him that he left. If he got murdered-

     No- he was not going to think about that. It seemed to only higher his heart rate. At this point fundy was gonna be like Jschlatt and have a heart attack.


     It was a soft questioning whisper among the loud train, and for a second fundy thought he was hearing things. Though when he looked to the source he found someone towering above him. He held onto a bar just above fundy’s seat. The man had bright green eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. Fundy didn’t recognize him and thought maybe he was a fan. So he smiled awkwardly, too tired to actually say hello.

     The fan gave a quizled look before laughing. It sounded like a tea kettle. The cogs in fundy’s brain seemed to move, it felt like he was missing something here. “Sorry,” The man started to speak, his laughter calming down. “I forgot you didn’t know what I looked like.”

     It felt like a lightbulb turned on as fundy gasped, realizing who the man in front of him was. “Holy shit, dream?” The ginger questioned, seeming to study the taller’s face. Dream only smiled and nodded, his cheeks getting dusted pink as a few turned to stare at the two.

     Fundy took his bag off the seat beside him, setting it in between his legs on the ground. Dream seemed to understand as he sat on the previously occupied seat. Though he seemed to shuffle uncomfortably.

     Today was the day he was going to meet a lot of his online friends. As well as the day they would all see his face. He had chickened out yesterday when he heard fundy wouldn’t be in Florida till late in the night, missing their scheduled meetup. Dream only hoped fundy didn’t think he was weird or looked weird. His anxiety was definitely spiking.

     Dream took a glance at fundy, they made eye contact to which fundy only smiled, a warm smile. He made sure to put in more effort in this one then the tired smile from before. Dream smiled back, not realizing he was holding his breath until he sighed. Fundy’s smile felt like it had just cut through the tension in the air. Dream couldn't help but think he looked cute.

     “I’m surprised you’re riding on a train this early.” Dream was hoping to start a conversation. Sitting in silence awkwardly didn't sound fun. “Oh, i just woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep" fundy gave a nervous chuckle before continuing. "Thought might as well head off, y'know?"

     Dream nodded as fundy yawned, hand covering his mouth. Prime, was he tired. He should've stayed at the hotel, could've gotten in some extra sleep if he waited. Thought that would've meant fundy would just wake up late. Besides, wasn't it better to be early then late?

     "If you're tired you can take a nap, I'll wake you when we get to our stop.'' Dream spoke cheerfully, trying to reassure the boy next to him. It wouldn't be good for fundy to be tired all day. Though even if dream hadn't offered, it looked as though the man would've fallen asleep anyway.

     Dream couldn't help but be concerned for the red head, how much sleep had he even gotten? Probably not a lot, considering how late he arrived last night and how early it was now. Dream only grew more concerned as fundy's head bobbed for a second. He had almost nodded off.

     Fundy wanted to decline but the thought of taking a nap seemed so inviting. Perhaps he should've argued a bit more, insisting that he would be fine. That he wasn't that tired, but he was genuinely just was. He learned to the side, eyes already closed, as his head fell on dream's shoulder.

     It didn't take long before fundy's breath evened out. Dream felt his face flush a dark red as his eyes scanned for anything but the sleeping redhead to look at. His face only got redder from the few glares he was getting from the other passengers.

     Dream's eyes inevitably landed on fundy. He looked so peaceful and cute while sleeping. Dream's heart raced.

     He was so distracted by the sight he hadn't realized he, too, had fallen asleep. Head laying on top of fundy's as he let out silent snores.

     They were going to miss their stop, as well as be late. Though neither cared as they slept peacefully on the train. The train moving on the tracks and the few chatter amongst the passengers had seemed like white noise. Only aiding in the two diving deeper into sleep.

Thank you for reading my story!
Was posted first on ao3 since it takes me time to draw the cover.
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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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