My son

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It had been a will to say the least. Well 2 years to be exact. Little Hope was well now not so little. With her being part vampire and all. She grew slower than Ash did how ever because of her wolf half. She's around 7 now.

The Michaelsons separated again. Going there separate ways for another 10 years. Klaus would visit Hope often and they would always have the best of times.

The Avengers finished there training and become even strong. Working a 1 instead of different people. Tony and Steve got married. I walked Steve down the isle it was so amazing. The wedding was Beautiful.

Me and Tony had become very close over the past 2 years. He still didn't know I was his Mother but I wanted to tell him so

Ash was still here keeping and eye on Bucky. It was good to spend time with Ash. My son is just amazing and loves Hope. He's just as protective over Hope as he is over me. It's cute.

I had finally worked up the courage to tell Tony I was his mother so that how I found myself sitting in a room alone with him. "Are you ok Benny. You look worried" Tony says with worry. I nod and start talking. "Ok what I'm about to tell you is really important and I need you to lesson. Let me finish speaking and then you can ask questions ok"

"Ok" Tony says still worried. "You aren't actually a Stark. Your parents aren't really your parents. A very long time ago I went out and slept with someone. I got pregnant again. My second son. Anthony Edward Rogers. You. I raised you and loved you more than anything. Howard wife was infertile and he thought that since I had a child all ready he could have you. I told him no many many times. You are my child and no one else's. He didn't listen and one night he broke into my house with a group of HYDRA Agents and stole you from me. That's how I ended up at HYDRA. Tony you my son" I said a tear falling down my cheek.

Tony just stared socked for a good 10 minutes. "You know it all makes sense now. He was always so cold and never said he loved me. Because he didn't. It was all just so my Mum was happy.... Well not my Mum. Maria." He said still in shock.

He stood up and started passing the room. I got scared. Is he going to reject me. Will he love me even thought he was taken. "So I'm the reason you were taken by HYDRA. I'm the reason that when ever you talk about Howard you go stiff and have slight  note of anger in your voice" Tony says.

I look down to the ground. "No" I say sternly making Tony look at me. "It wasn't your fault. I should have fought harder for you. My son. I love you so much and losing you was one of the hardest thing I have even had to go though. I wanted to see you again but after HYDRA I was broken and Klaus thought it would make things worse" I says pleading with him to not feel like it was his fault.

Before I could realise what was going to Tony was hugging me. And I was hugging him. I let myself cry into his shoulder and he confuted me. "I love you Mum" Was all he said and we stayed like that for a long time.

A couple of bays later we told everyone else. To says they were shocked was an understatement. "So let me get this right. Your son is married to your brother" Sam says confused. "No my son is married to my adopted brother" I say correcting him. He still looked confused. "Is that even legal" Wanda said.

"Yes it is and plus there soulmates. There many to be together" Bucky says steeping into the conversation. Hope who was hugging Ash like a Koala bear spoke next. "So I have 2 big brothers now" Everyone laughed at this.

"Yeah Hope you do" Tony says walking over to her and Ruffling her hair. Ash growled a little but stopped when I shot him a glare.

"Wait is Tony a half vampire than" Steve asked suddenly worried. "I was wondering when that question was going to be asked. No he isn't. When I was pregnant with Tony I become worried because when I had Ask he had two vampires parents and Hope had a wolf and vampire but Tony had a human. So I called Freya and she told me that Tony would die if he started the way he was. So Freya took the vampire side of him away. It broke my heart to do it but I couldn't let him die" I says suddenly getting sad.

Hope ran over to me and gave me a hug. "Don't cry Mumma everything is fine now" I smile at my little girl and pick her up giving her a hug.

"Yeah everything. Is fine now"

My Soulmate (Bucky Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now