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"Come on Ellie, please come out with us tonight, it will be sooo much fun!" My friend Zara says, while touching up her lipstick.

"Yeah, come on Els, you'll have so much fun!" My other friend Mia pipes in.

I'm currently lying on my sofa, wearing sweats, eating ice cream and rewatching friends. I doubt going out tonight with them will be much better than this.

"I don't know, I don't really feel like going out." I say, being completely honest. Ever since my last boyfriend broke my heart, I'm not in the mood to do anything anymore. I just lie moping around my apartment all day.

"Ellie, it's been like half a year, you need to quite moping about and get your shit together. It was his loss, not yours. You were way too good for him and you deserve better. He doesn't deserve your tears, so quit being a bum all the time and go out with us tonight!" Zara says directly at me. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone tonight." She adds, winking at me. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at that comment. God I have such great friends, they always look out for me and know how to humour me.

"You're 22, you need to get out there and enjoy life instead of sitting here in your apartment all day." Mia says.

"Yeah, okay, I'll go out tonight." I say. The girls start getting really excited and start screaming, running over to me and hugging me.

"Finally Ellie, I promise you won't regret it! You're going to have so much fun tonight!" Zara exclaims.


"Ellie, you ready?" Zara screams into my apartment. She mustn't be coming in. She just opened the front door and shouted in.

"Yeah, one sec." I say. I grab my purse and check myself in the mirror. I am wearing a tight green dress that ends just below my ass. It's a little short, but I don't care, I look hot.

I run out of my apartment and lock the door, and jump into the taxi my friends are in. They look at me and their jaw drops.

"Wow your fucking hot" Zara says. I can't help but blush at her comment.

"What she said" Mia reciprocates.

After about 10 mins of being squished in the taxi, we make it to the club. We bail out of the taxi and make our way into the club.

We get our drinks and sit down at a booth. After about 5 drinks, the girls tried to get me to go dance with them but I didn't want to, so I just said no. If they were sober, they would be upset, but I doubt they care now because they are pissed.

I make my way over to the bar and order another drink for myself. After about 5 minutes of me sitting alone, enjoying the feeling of the alcohol coursing through my veins, I feel the presence of someone standing behind me.

I turn around too quickly and lose my balance, almost falling. But the persons firm hands grab my shoulders before I can fall.

"Woah, you okay?" He asks. His hands are still on my shoulders, and he leans down slightly to be the same level as me. He must be quite tall, because I'm 5'8 and he has to lean down a lot to become eye level with me.

I notice his features straight away. Curly brown hair, green eyes and a very chiselled jawline. He's hot. I feel like I know him from somewhere.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really clumsy." I say truthfully, laughing at myself. I hear him chuckling lowly.

"Oh, I can be clumsy too sometimes." He says with a gleaming smile. "What's your name?" He asks me.

"Ellie, what's yours?" I ask, drinking the rest of my drink.

He laughs at this. Why is that funny? I only want to know his name. "Harry, love" He says.

Oh shit. I know who he is now. He's from one direction. I even listen to his bloody music.

"Oh wait your Harry Styles. I don't even know how I didn't recognise you before." I laugh.

He laughs back at this. "Do you want another drink?" He asks.

I nod and he buys me another drink. I quietly thank him and we sit and chat for a while. I didn't even realise that I had 3 more drinks. Wow.

I go to stand up but being the clumsy person I am, I trip, but Harry catches me. We are now in very close proximity to each other. His eyes dart down to my lips and the next thing I know his lips are on mine.

Hungry for more, I move my tongue to his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He accepts. After a minute of a heavy make out session. He breaks the silence and asks "Wanna get out of here?" I nod and the next thing I know we are out of the club and getting into a taxi.


I wake up with a pounding headache. I slowly open my eyes and become confused as I don't recognise my surroundings. I fully open my eyes and sit up on the bed. I look around and see a naked Harry Styles sleeping.

The events of last night slowly come back to me. Oh my god, I slept with him! Oh god. I normally don't do stuff like that. Meet someone at a bar and hook up with them. It's a first for me.

I gather up my belongings and get dressed getting ready to leave sneakily to save us from the embarrassment of the morning after talk.

Once I am dressed I head out of what must be his bedroom. I go down the stairs and head for the front door. Wow, his house is big.

I step out of his house and walk out the gates. I order an uber to come and get me.

I check my messages and voicemails, and see lots from Zara and Mia. I text them to let them know that I am okay.

I rummage around in my purse to look for some gum, but I pull out a note with a number on it.

"I thought you might leave before I wake up, so here's my number - H x"

I put the note back in my purse. Maybe I will text him, who knows.


There's chapter one done! Tell me what you think of it!

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Thank you for reading <3

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