Chapter 4: Pierce

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Lord Barbatos- Venti took Lumine and Paimon to the Church of Favonius.

I cannot believe him. Lord Barbatos is thinking of committing a crime against the church that worships him.

There is no chance that the Church would let him borrow the Holy Lyre, so there is only one thing he can do, and he will do it, without a question.

He will steal the Holy Lyre.

Or perhaps coerce Lumine into doing it.

Either way, I need to watch them.

"Hello, sister!" Venti waved cheerfully, greeting the sister

"May the Anemo Archon protect you, young bard, how may I help you?" She smiled kindly at him.

"Well, I would like to borrow the Holy Lyre der Himmel!"

I sighed in exasperation. He was always one to be incredibly blunt.

I started to move in his direction, slowly reforming my body so as to not startle the sister, as I continued listening to their conversation.

"I'm sorry, the lyre is only reserved for special occasions." The sister replied, "I can imagine why you'd want to borrow it, but I cannot allow you to do so."

"Alright then, I suppose I have no choice. I am the Anemo Archon, Barbato- urf!"

At that moment, I materialized behind him and grabbed him around the neck and covered his mouth.

"My deepest apologies, dear sister, but my friend here was willing to resort to extreme measures to play the Holy Lyre even once, it took me a while to realize where he was going, but I am thankful that I caught him before he could do something unfathomable." I bowed my head to the sister and wrestled Lord Barbatos out of the church.

This was all witnessed by Lumine and Paimon, both of whom followed us out.

When I reformed our bodies, I turned to Lord Barbatos.

"Lord Barbatos, forgive me for saying so, but you are beginning to delve into insanity. What made you think for a moment that it was a good idea to reveal your identity? Even if you had succeeded in doing so, no-one would've believed you. You have been absent from Mondstadt for far too long. If you suddenly appeared, the Knights would've had to arrest you for impersonating their Archon."

"Oh, come on, Pierce, it's fine! Even if that were to fail, we still have the traveler!" He giggled.

"Lord Barbatos, no. We are not coercing the Honorary Knight to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

Lumine and Paimon then decided to select that exact moment to catch up to us.

"What? I don't wanna steal anything!" She exclaimed.

"And you're not about to steal anything." I shot back, "Bard Venti was being unreasonable."

Lumine visibly relaxed whilst Lord Barbatos simply sighed in disappointment.

"I need to return to my assignment. Do not do anything I wouldn't approve of." I said, and then returned to my usual post in the Grand Goth Hotel.


For a while, nothing of note was mentioned, but then I heard something about the Holy Lyre der Himmel.

The Fatui were... planning to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel?

This isn't good.

I needed to get into the Church of Favonius as soon as I can.


The Church of Favonius basement was open.

This isn't good.

I rushed inside quietly, utilizing my footwork to keep me unseen from the guards.

They didn't seem to have been alerted yet, but I knew that the Fatui Cicin Mages and Geochanter Bracers could teleport.

I quickly rushed towards the chamber of the Holy Lyre and found Lumine confronting an Electro Cicin Mage.

I quickly materialized my body and slashed at her, but before my sword connected with her body, she disappeared.

"Halt! Thieves!" The guards ran in, but I quickly silenced them.

"Calm yourselves, Knights of Favonius. As the Frost Swordsman, I can testify that the Holy Lyre der Himmel was stolen by members of the Fatui. I would like to request that this information is not disclosed to the public to keep the peace between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya. I have been collecting information about the plans of the Fatui, and did not realize that they were planning on stealing the Holy Lyre until some minutes ago. I realize that this was a mistake on my part, but if you all allow me a week, the Honorary Knight and I will track down the Holy Lyre der Himmel and return it to the Church of Favonius."

I drew my sword and planted the blade into the ground, "I swear to you, by my name, my sword, and my honor, that all will be well."

I turned to Lumine, "Honorary Knight, will you join me?"

She nodded confidently, "Of course."

"Good, we leave tomorrow at midnight. I need to meet with an ally of mine first."


After meeting with Lord Barbatos, we walked to the Angel's Share, where we met with Diluc.

"Master Diluc, we need your help." I announced, walking in the door.

The tavern owner looked up at me.

"What do you need?"

"The Holy Lyre der Himmel was stolen by the Fatui. It is a vital asset to our quest to bring Dvalin back to Mondstadt's side.

I motioned for Lord Barbatos to explain the situation in a performance.


After the performance, Diluc was taken aback.

"This is... confidential information... Why did you let me know?" He asked.

"Master Diluc, you and I share a view on the Knights of Favonius. If something concerns me, it should also concern you. After all, we both care for the safety of Mondstadt, don't we?" I reasoned, extending my hand.

Diluc thought about it for a moment, and relented, shaking it, "Of course."

He still had a stoic expression, but I could tell he was relieved.

"We need to track down the Fatui who stole the Holy Lyre der Himmel, once we find them, we coerce them into telling us their information." I said, and then turned to Lord Barbatos, "Stay here, Bard Venti. You shouldn't throw yourself into enemy lines, for obvious reasons."

I turned back to Diluc, "I shall be waiting for your decision, Master Diluc."

He seemed conflicted, but he eventually nodded intently, "Fine. Give me a day. I'll get into contact with some people who can help us find the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

A/N: Welp. I changed my username halfway through this story.

I am now Timeless_95.

Anyways, not much is known about Pierce's talents aside from his normal attack and alternate sprint. I'll add in the rest later.

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Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless _95, signing out

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