Chapter 6: Pierce

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We returned to the Angel's Share. Venti was holding onto the lyre whilst everyone else gazed at it.

"What do you think? Can it be used to heal Dvalin?" Jean asked.

Venti shook his head, "No, whilst the lyre itself can be played, most of its magical power is gone."

I turned to Lumine, "Traveller Lumine, do you not have a teardrop crystal from Dvalin? I believe that its power can be used to restore the energy within the Holy Lyre der Himmel."

"What? But I can't fix instruments!" Lumine protested, Paimon nodding along with her.

I sighed, "No-one is asking you to fix it. Did you not hear Bard Venti? The lyre is functional. All you are required to do is to to restore its energy."

Lumine hesitated, but eventually nodded, "Alright, I'll give it a shot."

She produced the crystal, and through unknown means, was able to merge it with the lyre.

"Such a youthful glow..." Jean muttered.

"Praising yourself? Really?" Paimon jested.

Jean raised an eyebrow, "I was referring to the lyre."

Venti examined the instrument.

"There's still not enough power in it to summon Dvalin, we need more teardrop crystals." He announced.

"But where are we going to find more teardrop crystals?" Lumine asked, "By hitting him?"

I facepalmed at her horrible reasoning.

"I suspect Dvalin will already be crying." Venti said, "He's going through so much pain already. All we need to do is find them. Pierce, that's where you come in."

I nodded, "I should be able to detect the teardrop crystal when we get close enough. I have reason to believe that one of the crystals should be in the Thousand Winds Temple."

Venti nodded vigorously, "That makes sense, since Dvalin seems to be trying to claim these temples for himself."

I got up and exited the tavern, "Let us make haste. We have no time to waste."


When we reached the Thousand Winds Temple, we found a ruin guard roaming around.

I could hear Jean muttering obscenities underneath her breath.

I sighed, "Well, it appears we must defeat that ruin guard before collecting the crystal. I will assist you, Traveler Lumine."

Lumine nodded, drawing her sword.

We rushed in together, Lumine at the front and myself behind her.

I summoned two Frostbyte Swords and launched them at the Ruin Guard's eye, stunning it and knocking it down.

"Wind blade!" Lumine yelled, unleashing a ball of wind from the palm of her hand.

I stabbed my sword into the ground, detonating the Frostbyte mark with my Frostborne Art.

I could see the damage on the Ruin Guard, "Shatter."

Lumine jumped into the air, "Prepare to be blown away!"

She summoned a huge twister, causing cryo energy to swirl and completely destroy the ruin guard.

The Teardrop Crystal materialized and dropped down towards the ground.

I didn't know how sturdy it was, but I was not going to take any chances. 

I quickly caught it and handed it to Lumine, "Purify this, then we will be on our way to the next crystal."


After collecting two more crystals, we once again reconvened in the Angel's Share.

Lumine once again restored the Holy Lyre with her mysterious otherworldly powers.

I grabbed the Lyre and handed it to Lord Barbatos, "Lor- Bard Venti, is this sufficient?"

He nodded, "Now we need to choose a place to summon Dvalin."

Lumine thought about it for a while, "What about Starsnatch Cliff? It's very high, and is in an open area. It should be plenty enough for Dvalin, right?"

Venti pondered for a moment, and nodded, "I like it your thinking, well then, let's go! We've not a second to spare!"

Venti quickly ran out of the tavern.

I sighed in exasperation, he was always too energetic for his own good. Not to mention a drunkard, at that.

I grabbed Lumine, Paimon, Jean, and Diluc.

"Get ready." Was all I said, using the Frostborne Footwork to burst our bodies into snow.

I didn't have enough stamina to take us all the way to Starsnatch Cliff, but it was quicker than normal sprinting.

We reappeared next to Venti.

"Bard Venti, please do not run out so haphazardly like that." I said, staring him in the eyes as the others retched around me.

"Hehe, sorry, Pierce! I was kinda excited to play the lyre." Venti giggled, causing me to sigh in exasperation once again.

I drew my sword, "Do not expect Dvalin to be so easily swayed, Bard Venti. His mind has been tainted."

I then turned around to the Hilichurl camp behind us.

"We also need to deal with this camp. You go on ahead to Starsnatch Cliff, I will take care of these nuisances." I said, watching them run off.

I sighed, "You lot really are barbaric, are you not?"

I rushed in between the six that were approaching me, and swung my sword around in a circle around me, knocking all of the Hilichurls back.

"Insignificant." I muttered, "Frostbyte!'

The gleaming blue swords materialized around me, and I grabbed them, discarding my other sword, which reappeared on my back.

"Swords Dance!"

I struck the Hilichurls repeatedly, causing the Frostbyte marks to materialize on their bodies.

My Frostbyte Swords disappeared as I reached the end of the Swords Dance sequence, and I once again picked up my usual sword, glowing with frost.

Blades flashed, and masks flew. The hilichurls were no match for the might of the Frostborne.

I dropped the last Hilichurl corpse and watched as it disintegrated. 

But I couldn't waste any time. I needed to get to Starsnatch Cliff.


When I approached Starsnatch Cliff, I could see Dvalin and what looked like an Abyss Mage.

I gritted my teeth, sprinting for the edge of the cliff and summoning my Frostbyte Blades.

I didn't have time to grab them, I couldn't get there in time. 

So I did what I've only done twice before.

I telepathically controlled the blades to fly forwards.

And it's a good thing I did, because right at the moment, Dvalin released a wind bullet at Venti.

My swords blocked the attack and I appeared on top of Dvalin, kicking off the Abyss Mage. 

"Dvalin! Do not forget those who fought by your side!"

A/N: So I was dead for a week.

I had just came back from a three week field trip to Western Australia. 

So, sorry for being late. Here's a chapter for you.

And yes, Pierce's spinning attack is his charged attack.

Anyways, consider voting and following for more.

Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Timeless_95, signing out

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