7: Yay:)

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He let go of my hand, I just looked at him. We stared at eachother for a couple of seconds before I walked away going into the girls restroom and cried, silently.


The bell finally rang, I grabbed my bag washed my hands and face. I dried my face with a paper towel and went outside the restroom.

I honestly didn't give a fuck about what Haley said, but the fact that Tyler still went out with Haley even though she spread rumors about me, fucked one of my exes, and some other shit that's weird and stupid, I'm still gonna be Tyler's bestfriend but I'm not gonna talk to him right now.


It's almost the end of my last class until we get to go home. I was drawing in my notebook since I was done with my work when someone knocked on the class door. The class snapped their necks to the door while the teacher went to open it.

"Avonee pack your things, your dad's here to pick you up."
The teacher said

I got up and put my stuff in my back and said bye to everyone. I walked out the classroom and my dad was outside waiting for me. I walked up to him.

"Whats wrong? Your eyes are puffy?"
He asked

I guess my eyes were still a little puffy.

"Fucking Haley."

"Wow, that bad?"

I nodded and we went inside his car. I sunk into the leather seat and getting a blanket that was in the backseat and putting it over me.

"What did she do?"

"She called me a slut because someone showed her a picture of Tyler just staring at me, and she called it flirting when I wasn't even looking back at him!"

"I remember when I was in high school and I was kind of in your situation. All of the girls in school wanted to be with me."

"Yeah, no wonder why the teachers look at you weird whenever you pick me up."
I said chuckling

"At that time, I was dating the most popular girl in school but, I only dated her because I wanted to be popular. Instead, I wanted to date this one girl. She was quiet and shy."

He sighed and stopped at a red light.

"She then found out that I had a crush on the girl and let me tell you, there was a lot of drama. But, I knew who I wanted and I pushed through all of the banshees and long story short, I ended up dating the shy and quiet girl."

The light turned green and he continued driving. This is not really like what I'm going through but whatever.

"Yeah it's not really like what my situation is."
I said

"What I'm trying to say from my story is, I know you like Tyler. Ever since, just... follow your heart and don't let those other kids you hangout with tell you otherwise."

I was shocked, was it really that obvious to him that I like Tyler?

"What how did you know?"
I asked

He just nodded his head and pulled into our garage. We got out of the car and went inside the house. When we got in I saw some bags on the floor next to my room.

"Dad! Who's bags are these?"
I asked from upstairs

Suddenly, I heard my door open and I saw a boy almost Tylers height grab one of the bags. He had curly hair and he was shirtless. What the fuck was he doing in my room? I gasped when I looked at his face.

I yelled

I hugged him and giggled. Kiko's my cousin and I haven't seen him for five years because all of my family moved to D.C.

"Hey, maldita sea creciste tanto!"
(Hey, damn you grew so much!)

"Of course it's been five years. Why are you here?"

"Cuz, mama and the others are moving back here and I was the first to move back so I need a place to stay at."

"Really?! Like all of them?"

"Nah, only my familia."

"Oh, well at least we have some family to celebrate holidays and birthdays again."

He chuckled and brought the rest of the bags in. I saw a mattress rested against my wall and a bed frame next to my bed.

"Hey, you want me to help you rearrange my room so there's more space in my room?"

"Oh yeah prima, you don't gotta a date or something?"
He asked putting the bags down

"Shut up, I have a boyfriend."

"Oh really, how's he treating you?"

I said a little lower than I intended

"Bitch if I have to kill a bas-

"No, it's just that we had a little fight. It doesn't matter."

"Already in drama."

"I'm almost eighteen, I don't need you telling me what to do."

"Okay, but just know that I'm always here for you."

"Uh huh."

"I want your dresser over there and..."

"No, im gonna tell you where to put stuff and..."


We rearranged my room and put his bed next to mine, but I put the nightstand in the middle just because... anyway I was sweating so I went in the shower. When I was done I brushed my teeth again and put on my clothes, I went out of the bathroom and saw Ervin sitting on my bed talking to Kiko who was sitting across from him on his bed.

"Ervin... what are you doing here?"
I closed the door

"Imma go shower."
Kiko said

He grabbed his tower and walked towards the bathroom. When he passed me he made a weird face and went inside.

I looked back at Ervin and he was looking down. I made my way to Kiko's bed and sat on it, I didn't really want to sit next to him right now.

"So, that's your cousin?"


"Avonee, baby I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"I'm sorry for not answering you. You know I would never do that to you on purpose."

He stood up and held out his arms for a hug. Sooner or later I was gonna forgive him so why not? I got up and hugged him, he kissed my head.

"Im sorry."
He said

"It's okay."

"Aww, so cute!"

I looked back and saw Kiko, he ran up to us and joined the hug, ughhhhh mind you that's he's still wet and in his towel.

"Oh my god, stop."
I said

I pulled out of the hug and sat on my bed covering myself with my comforter, I grabbed my phone and watched.

"Imma go now Vonnie, I'll see you tomorrow!"
Ervin said walking out

I said back

He closed the door leaving me and Kiko inside. Kiko sat on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

"He seems nice."
He said



Yes I know it's kind of a short chapter. I'm sorry, but I hope you like this chapter! And please give feedback if you can or want.


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