Chapter One - Good Work Detective.

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   I've been coming here more often. It's been years since I've felt the need to visit this much, of course I always make an effort but since work started picking up I haven't had the time. I've missed this, sitting here with him. Sometimes I wish he'd talk to me, give me some sort of sign, but I guess the dead really can't speak.
   I visit his grave almost every day now to do my case work or just to sit with him after a long day of work. It makes me feel like he's still a part of my life.
   "I miss you Izuku.." I mutter under my breath. I rub my hand over his name engraved on the stone.
'Izuku Midoriya July 15 2001 - September 23 2014'
   Sometimes I can't believe it's almost been ten years since he was deemed missing, I've worked every day to find him but found barely anything. I'm a failure as a detective until I find him. It doesn't matter how many medals I get, how many cases I solve, how many Pro Heros I work with, nothing is more important than him. I've found leads here and there but they've all led me to dead ends. His body was never found, he has to be alive and I won't stop searching until I find him.
I pack my case notes back into my bag placing it back around my shoulder as usual and pick my coffee up off the ground. I stand up and look down at the flowers I placed onto Izuku's grave.
"You deserve so much more than lousy flowers," I sigh. "One day, when I find you, I'll give you the world like you deserve. I love you, I always will. I'm sorry you never got to hear that."
I take one last breath of the fresh air in the graveyard and push up my glasses. I turn to make my way to my car in the parking lot. I spot a hooded man out of the corner of my eye while walking to the parking lot, he didn't seem suspicious but I still proceed with caution to my car. I climb in my car and place my bag in the passenger seat and my coffee in the cup holder, I start my car and head back to the station.

"Detective Y/N, you're back! Great timing kid come look at this." I'm called out to by an officer when I step through the doors of the station.
"What's up Suzuki?" I rush over to him placing my bag in my office chair and my coffee on my desk on the way while dodging the other officers and detectives walking around. When I reached him at his desk, he handed me a piece of paper.
   "Take a look at this and tell me what you see."
   I take a glance at the paper, it's a print out of a news article with the Headline 'Pro Hero Endeavor charged with child abuse after he retires.'
   Suzuki gentle leans his butt against his desk, "Quite a headline, huh? He's gonna get time for sure with what you saw, you're testimony was some solid evidence against him kid."
   I sigh and place the paper behind Suzuki after reading through it a bit, "It's not like I meant to, but seeing Shoto, such a successful man, having that kind of past.. I had to say something."
   "It wasn't only Shoto though kid, once we questioned his older brother Natuso he immediately told us everything we wanted to know, it was almost as if he was happy to see his Father behind bars."
   "Hmm, I don't think that's it at all, from what I gathered after seeing you talk to him, I think he was just happy to let it all out. It wasn't something they could really be public about, their Father was the Number 1 and 2 hero at different points."
   Suzuki gently lifted himself off his desk and walked behind it and sat in his chair scooting himself up to place his hands on his desk, "I guess you're right, either way you were very helpful. You always are, but this time you helped a lot of traumatized people with no outlet. I'm proud of you kiddo."
   I felt a slight smile rise on my face, Suzuki is more like a father to me than a boss, and hearing him praise me always makes my day since he's know for being the grumpy old police chief around here.
   "Oh slow you're role there Suzuki, you're gonna ruin your reputation by being so soft." I say with a soft chuckle letting the smile I was holding back fall into place.
   He took his right hand and slicked back the grey hairs that had fallen into his face with a smile, "I'm not soft kid, I just know when and when not to give praise."
   "Well, thank you."
   "Of course now get back to work before I fire you."
   I jokingly salute to him with a firm, "Yes Sir!" and then made my way back to my desk.
   I unpacked my notes from my bag and grabbed my case files from the drawer in my desk. I had been working on several murder cases recently, I'm not surprised I usually solve them pretty fast. I scanned the file to the murder case I was working on currently, a 17 year old girl was strangled and left in the woods on the side of the road. They found her body under some bushes, the autopsy revealed she had already been dead for at least two weeks by the time they found her. She was wearing a watch her mother left her after she passed, I might be able to figure out who killed her though that.
   I got up from my desk and made my way to the evidence room, "Hey Yamamoto can you grab the watch the girl Takao Aito was found wearing when she was discovered?"
   Yamamoto turned around from the shelf she was organizing, "Hey Y/N! Yeah I can do that, what's the case number?"
   After telling her the case number she walked into the back of the room and came back over after a moment. "Here it is."
   "Thank you very much." She held out her hand and I grabbed the bag with the watch inside from her. I slowly open the bag and take the watch into my hand. After holding it for a moment I start to see flashes of images, image to image to image. I try to dig my way deeper through the images until I hit the jackpot.
   Yamamoto started talking after the images stopped, "Oh oh oh, you're eyes stopped glowing! What did you find? Who was it? I know you know tell me, pleaseeee!"
   I take a second to gather the images into a bigger picture while still clutching the watch in my hand, "It was the father."
   "The Father!? Wow, didn't see that coming. I love watching your quirk in action it's cool every time, haha."
   "Haha thank you, I unfortunately need to go write the report on what I saw and hand it over to Suzuki now." I say while packing the watch back up and placing it in front of Yamamoto
   "Aw well, we should definitely go out for drinks sometime after work, when you're free!"
   "Sure, I don't have anything better to do. Tonight sounds fine for me if you'd like, well I'll see you later"
   "Sounds great! See you later Y/N!"
   I give Yamamoto a small smile and a wave as I leave the evidence room and make my way to my desk to write my report.

   After handing in my report to Suzuki I headed home to my apartment for the night. When I got home I took care of my things and called Yamamoto to set up for those drinks tonight. Since it was already 8pm we decided to meet up at 10pm at a local bar a couple blocks from my place.
   Bars aren't really my thing but I've been to a couple here and there for work and with friends. I know several Pro Heros because of connections and my reputation in the bureau. Due to my quirk being Psychometry, I have a pretty good reputation for being liked by many Pros for my work.
   Waving away my train of thought, I shower and get ready for the night. A nice skirt and white button up are usually my go to club or bar outfit since I don't like dresses all that much. I threw on a choker and some small cross earrings to not look like a boring business woman. I pull my messy brunette hair into a just as messy ponytail and put my glasses back on.
I grab my purse and my keys and head out of my apartment to the bar a couple blocks away.
   As I walk up to the bar after parking my car I meet up with Yamamoto and we head inside. We sit at the bar and order a couple beers and start talking about work.
   "You know what I don't feel like talking about work anymore that's boringggggg!"
   "Hm I guess it is.."
   Yamamoto took a swig of her beer before she spoke, "Here, instead, tell me what you've been up to lately! What do you do after work? Does the famous Y/N have a lover at home?"
   "Um no I don't," I down the rest of my beer and order another from the bar tender. "And I spend all my time either at work, my apartment, or the graveyard on 5th."
   "The... graveyard? Wait you're childhood friend is buried there right?"
   "Yes and No. His grave is there, but his body was never found."
   "Ah," Yamamoto stops to think for a moment. "So there's a possibility he could still be out there somewhere?"
   "Yeah, It's the entire reason I became a Detective. I'm going to find him."
  Yamamoto placed her hand on my back, "Hey, Y/N, if you ever need anything call me. I'll help in any way I can, okay?"
   I grab the beer the bar tender hands to me and look over to Yamamoto, "Thank you. You're a great friend."
   Her lips turn into a huge smile as she removes her hand from my back placing it back around her beer with her other hand, "Of course!"
   I open my mouth to talk to her when I feel a tap on my left shoulder. I turn to see a man in a black t-shirt and a leather jacket with a black hat tipped down to cover his face. He lifts up his hat for a split second and quietly whispered to me, "We need to talk." And walked outside the bar.
   As soon as I saw his face under his hat I matched the face to the voice and politely excused myself from Yamamoto to the bathroom. I swerved around some people and followed the man outside. I didn't know what he wanted but I wanted to know what the fuck Kacchan was doing here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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