Claudia adapted from the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles (chapter 7)

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So...this shall be longer:-) PLS comment!!! Thanks:-) Also... another 10 reads is another part!



I walk outside and go to the small gas pump on the corner of a street that has a bar next to it. There's a 15 year old runaway girl there. She's drunk and dressed like a prostitute. It's so sad! But, it's her fault. Atleast she won't have to live on the streets anymore. I giggle and she notices me.


"Hello, little girl!" She says.

"Can I show you something?"

She sighs,"Sure, but if I loose a customer, then you'll get it.

Sure I will. I think as I walk behind the bar.

Suddenly I jump at her. She screams for a split second and I close my eyes as I rip open her neck. What does blood taste like? Like pink lemonade on a hot summer day. It soothes down your thirst, but you can all ways have more.

I throw her body into the large garbage can and go home.

~Lestats P.O.V.~

(silent scream)

I get out of my coffin. I've decided to sleep in late tonight. Half of the household is gone- thank badness (get it?). I don't really like the situation that I'm in right now. Claudia and Louis don't matter.

But Leontine matters- alot. She knows my history. Noone in this house should know it.

And most of all....she's dangerouse. As the daughter of one of the most famouse vampires, who were cursed to be a vampire, she is powerfull. She is not like me and the rest of the vampires. She's special. She is the daughter of Dracula. The crazy man who had gotten cursed by the turks.

This is the curse-

Dracula, you have killed so many of us. And in such inhumane ways, we too think that you are not human. We curse you, to never see the sun again. The gates of heaven shall forever be closed to you. You and your family will live forever, in darkness and in bloodlust. Yes, we give you power. We give you immortality with this curse, but you shall soon hate it. And hate everything. All feeling will escape your heart. Within two hundred years you will hate everyone.

And sure enough Dracula now hates the world. Even his only surviving daughter, Leontine and his only heir to the throne.... Armand.

I feel a pang of pity.

ARHG! Why am I so touchy all of a sudden. Its probably the need for blood. I exit the door and go in search of some criminals.

~Armand P.O.V.~

I caouldn't believe my eyes when I saw my cousin, Leontine. I could see her get angry and...well you know the rest.

I wonder where uncle is... wait... there's a pretty young boy I could drink from!


I put a dagger in the boys chest and walk away. 

Uncle can't be in Transylvania.... but maybe

Oh!!! A bar! I enter the bar and walk over to the drink island. The bartener boy asks me what I want, "A bear." I wink at him.

He hands me the bear and I overpay him, by about a hundreed dollars.

It doesn't matter, I'll have them back- soon.

I wave him to follow me, to the bathroom.


I take the money back from the corpse and laugh. He's sitting on the toilet, and I put a cord around his neck.

I have quite the imagination.

Now...back to... what was I thinking about again?

Eh, it probably didn't matter.

I walk home as the sun rises slowly.

~Claudia P.O.V.~

I stare at the sun and scream. I need to get away from all of them. They stil treat me like a child.

Will I ever be free????

I sucked. But it;s called writers block. Ideas? Suggestions...PLEASE they are needed!!!

Thanks for wasting your time with this!!!


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