Chapter 1 Haru Takumi

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I suppose it's all right being alone. No one to hurt you and no one for you to hurt. A peaceful life. Free from the rest of the world. In someways I'm not alone.

My name is Haru Takumi. I'm 16 years old. Up to now I've lived alone in a -- well a tent in a forest. I do ok with food and other essential resources to keep me alive. I work part time so I'm alright on money I guess. It hardly ever rains either. You're probally wondering how I got like this. The truth is I don't really know either. The whole experience just went so fast like a blur. I hardly remember much of it.

I go to Ellegrove High. I can't say I like it but I don't dislike it either. I hate the noise though and the idiots there. They're not too bright if they think I can't hear them murmuring under their breathes. Usually, I don't get too affected since it's the same insults everytime, it's quite tedious though. My class is 2-D I sit at the back near the window which I where I do most of my daydreaming.

At any chance I get I go to the library I guess it's because it's the only quiet place I can really go. I don't see the point of being interested in other people. Even if I did want friends for some reason people are afraid of me. It's alright though because then there would be no one to bother me. They're just distractions. The library is seperated in two different areas the computer room and the reading area. The tiles are regular oak tiles and walls a dark and rich red.

There is a test coming up I always get the highest score because it seems I'm the only one that gives a crap. Anyway I should revise tonight I would hate to fail. I decided to leave the library to get home. If you can call it a home. I guess I'm kinda lucky compared to the people living on the streets.

When I was little I kept getting kicked out of school. It was an endless cycle. I tried to fit in but my temper kept people away from me.  People used to call memonster because I'd always let my temper take controll over me. Like this kid called Yoshimi Tsujimoto. I bit him for picking on me but I didn't expect him to bleed. His mum and the other children and adults stared calling me a psycho and a monster. They even called me a spawn of Satan.

Back then I had a family that hated me. They were Christians and believed I was a demon. I didn't realize how much I hurt my parents because one day when I came home. The first thing i saw was her. Mother. She was hanging from the ceiling swaying backwards and forwards. Her neck bruised and bleeding from the tight rope. All life had strained from her eyes. I was confused why i didn't cry. I guess it's because i knew this would happen because they never accepted me and mum hated me especially. Mum was the first person to call me the spawn of satan.

Dad was afraid of me and accuse me of everything being my fault. I went to look for my father and he was cowering and crying in the corner holding the phone shaking telling me to disappear ,"It's your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT. Your mother is dead because of you. YOU killed her. You are are the greatest mistake of our lives. You will rot in hell. It's your fault. it's.. you fault." I guess it was my fault.

Dad went to stand up walking to the kitchen opened a draw and brung out a knife. I didn't know he would go that far. He then looked at me and then and she had a terrifying smile that was inhuman. His eyes. They were insanity itself. I then started whispering to my self I'm sorry I'm sorry. IT is my fault. I deserve this after all I'm just a monster aren't I. Dad then suddenly collapsed right in front of me. I ran. I ran like a coward frightened of my responsibilities.

Since then it's always been the same. I can't drag people down with me. No that woudn't be fair because afterwards I met someone who truly cared about me but because of me she suffered and then she didn't want to be friends anymore because i got her involved with my stuff. Some one in the family was always out for me to "cleanse" me. It's a nicer way to say he was going to kill me.

My older brother abused me as a child and made me do what he wants. I still have the whip marks on my back because of it. She got hurt. My brother said someone like me, a freak like me, doesn't need or deserve friends after all I am a monster aren't I. With that he took her away from me and the next day she started avoiding me untill she finally transfered.

Since then I decided to not make any friends so I can prevent them and myself from getting hurt. My brother hasn't found me yet and I want to keep it that way. Even now people hate me. It's for the best.

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