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The sound was…. simple. Quiet. Low. Not anything to catch your attention. As if it was nothing. Just the low tinkling sound of crystals crashing to the ground and breaking apart.

It was not nothing for him.

Xie Lian sprinted his look downwards to the ground. His face turning as pale as ever. His fingertips feeling cold. Almost numb. He tried to catch it. But it passed through his fingers too soon.

His eyes widening. His pupils shrinking in. He felt nauseas. He panicked.


it wasn't supposed to be so- fragile… No

He didn't know when how it happened… He did know… The coming attack and harsh punches from 'Jun Wu'. That might be it. But.. he never knew.. it would be so… Fragile…that it must be kept with care. And he failed.

But… Now. The ring Hua Cheng had trusted him to keep. Was broken. His ashes was shattered all over the ground. 

His mind filled with dispair and fear. Shaking hands hurriedly trying to collect onto the ashes in his hands until he felt cold fingertips grabbing his wrists softly placing it against the ghost's cold cheeks.

"S-San Lang…..I-I…. No n-no.. the ring" he let out a sob followed by huge droplets of tears falling down from both his eyes like streams. He grasped Hua Cheng's Mapel red clothes and cried.

He felt a shiver down his spine. Now that he knew what it meant.

A ghosts weakness is their ashes. If they're destroyed they'll no longer live in this world

"If I was a ghost. I would not care if my ashes are thrown or destroyed"

He wanted to scream. But all was out was a broken wretched cry of agony. Soon his mind felt peace when the Ghost King embraced him back. His cold fingertips curling onto his strands of now messed up hair in a comforting manner. The other on his back rubbing to soothe him.

"It's alright Gege. It's okay" Hua Cheng said over his head. "It's fine".

Xie Liam could hear his trembling weak voice he was trying to keep strong for his Gege. 

"S-San Lang.. what should I-I d-do? There…m-must be s-something I'm sorry" xie lian sobbed harder clutching onto his clothes harder than ever.

Hua Cheng tightened the embrace. "Your Highness doesn't need to be sorry. It's not you to be at fault" he whispered to his ears.

Feng Xin and Mu Qing came by the time to see the sight of the two dresses in white and red holding onto each other for dear lives. They knew something was not right but decided not to say anything.

Xie Lian choking on his own words and tears shakes his head vigorously. "N-no"

"This c-cant be…y-you already died so m-many times San L-Lang for me…not a-again"

"En" he continued placing soft kisses on Xie Lian's hairline while combing it with his long fingers delicately.
"Dying in battle for you is my greatest honour. It happened earlier. And Now. But I'm sure. I'll never regret it. Not before. Not now. Not ever."

Xie lian in deep denial tightened his arms around him more shaking. "B-but you promised m-me…that you'll…never leave me"

he cried more. He felt Hua Cheng's hand running down his back pause and he swear he felt it tremble before gripping onto him.

"San lang I'm sorry p-please"

"I'm sorry Gege" he said lowly.

"It was probably my fault." Sadness deep in his trembling voice. "I wanted to be with gege a little longer a Little more. Stay with you. Live on even with no body or heart of a human you may wished. But I guess. I was being too greedy"

I Have Died Everyday Waiting For You {A HUALIAN AU}Where stories live. Discover now