I was screaming and kicking. I just want to go home were my last words before the world turned black. I wake up in an unknown room. At lunch time I see him, my kidnapper... "MARRIED?!" I scream. Then I black out yet again...
I wake up to the sound of birds chirping. It's honestly quite peaceful. I see some clothes set out on the dresser. I figured this eat he trusts me to get up and go shower. I take the clothes into the bathroom and start my water. The *shhh* sound of the water was quite relaxing. I let the water drip over my face and then wash my hair and bathe. I unfold the outfit he had set out for me. It was a nice white floral sun dress, a coat, blue sneakers and a blue purse. It was quite lovely, except it wasn't my style at all!
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I slip on the dress, coat, shoes and put my phone keys and wallet (which I also found on the dresser) in the bag. I come back out of the bathroom into my room. I found a tray of food with a note on it. I opened the note and it read: Dear Clara, you will get an explanation to why you are here and where you are at. I promise it will soon all make sense. You may not agree to the terms but I quite frankly don't care. You are and will be mine -love Finn. The last part of the note scared me a bit but I just decided to ignore it. I ate my breakfast outside on the balcony that connects to my room and then came inside and explore the place a bit. I was in what appeared to be a master bedroom. The bedroom was nice. There were two door on the opposite wall of the bed. One led to the bathroom and the other led to a huge walk in closet. There was a balcony door on the right side of the room and to the left was the only door I couldn't open. The one that remained locked which meant he doesn't completely trust me but I don't blame him. There is a hanging bookshelf right above my bed. I look through and see the Harry Potter series. 'My favorite' I say in my mind. I grab the first book and start reading.
It's about lunch time when I hear a soft knock on my door. I laugh a little considering this is his house and he has the power to kill me if he wanted. "Come in." I say softly. "I figured you read my note?" He says a bit shy. "Yah" I say as I stand and put my book away. "So I kidnapped you which you probably already knew." He chuckles at himself. "You will stay here forever." He says sternly the exact opposite of his tone earlier. This causes my eyes to go wide. "We will start dating, bit first you need some work." I cough and laugh at the same time. "Work? I am fine the way I am. If anyone needs work it's you. I mean your a literal kidnapper and your tell me I need some work!?" I lose it. "Talk to me like that again and there will be consequences." He says furiously. "What are gonna do kill me? Do it! I could care less- I was cut of with his hand on me making contact with my face. He just slapped me. Wow. I start crying. It felt like a thousand bricks landed on me and knifes were stabbing my skin. It hurt so bad. He just gets up and walks out....
Welp that got a little violent. But you know tell me how it was. And uhhh vote or whateva. Any wayssss time to start the next chapter. Oh and allcryingnolightning needs to hurry up