April and Silver

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Hey guys! A special treat! I have been working on this story for a while now, and just wanted to post this out there.

Before we proceed, I would like to make one thing clear, THIS IS NOT A LOUBBY FANFIC. After the Finale, I refuse to ship Webby with any of the Triplets. Webby and Louie may seem to be a bit closer than the average siblings, but I don't know much about sibling dynamics because I am an only child. So please bear with me =)

This fic may be seem to be a bit off-track, but I most surely assure you that it is not. Everything will start to make sense soon, I promise.


PS: My fic timeline and ages- The Triplets are 12, Webby is 11, in 2017 (basically, a year older than canon). The first chapter has them aged up so Triplets are 18 and Webby is 17 in 2023. This fic is set in 2023.

PPS: April is Webby Vanderquack and Silver is Louie Duck.

With that said, enjoy!


11:12 am, June 12, 2023.

"Why, hello there Heron!" Louie greeted her with a charming smile. "I didn't see you there. How are you?"

"Silver." She narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want? Go and bother your sister."

Silver dramatically put his hand to his heart. "I am offended that you think I would talk to you just to annoy you! Actually, I needed some help with upgrading some of my gear. Besides, Webbs and Gandra are swordfighting. Wouldn't want to disturb them."

Heron pinched the bridge of her beak, "Agent Silver," she emphasized his alias, "how many times to do I need to tell you not to use your real names! Agent April is sparring with Agent Dee."

She received an eyeroll in return. "Loosen up Heron. No one monitors conversation in HQ unless it's the interrogation room. And FOWL is so paranoid that not even a bug could sneak it's way in without permission, let alone a spy."

Heron paused for a moment, the sudden cessation of action jarring the young duck. "That's actually something we needed to talk about, Silver. Go get April and come to the conference room. I'll get Bradford."

Silver widened his eyes. It was a truly important matter if the Director of FOWL had to personally talk to you, and that too on the topic of secrecy and security. He nodded, and sped off in the direction of the training room, not wanting to keep Director Buzzard waiting.

Before entering however, he knocked twice on the door. Hearing the thud of a body fall onto a mat, a voice called out. "Come in!"

As Silver went in, he was met with a familiar sight, that of April sitting on top of an exhausted Gandra and casually sharpening her dagger.

April smiled as she noticed her brother. "Silver!" She enthusiastically greeted him.

"April, Director Buzzard needs the two of us to meet him in the conference room." April nodded, but was still confused. "But why would he need to talk with me?"

Silver shrugged as a sign that he had no clue whatsoever. "Come on, we better get going." Gandra stood up too. "Let's go."

"Gandra, Heron only asked for my sister, not you." Silver icily commented. "April, coming?"

"Yeah, one second!" Her muffled voice came from the weapons storage. "I'm just keeping this back." April walked out a few seconds later. "I'm done. See you soon Gandra! Also, can you please polish the javelins? I used them yesterday, but I forgot. Will you do it please?"

Siblings in Crime, ft. Louie and Webby ~a DuckTales fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now