Five Years...

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Here lies my attempt to write angst with a side of comfort, and family fluff.

So, because Silouie and Webpril are spies/ agents, they're going to have fake civilian identities as well. For going undercover or whatever. You'll meet those pseudonyms this chapter.

Oh, and some swearing, but only the tame ones. Chill.

And if any of you guys are Polish, and you find something wrong in this chapter, please let me know! I've used Google so not all the information might be correct.


12:05 pm, 17th July, 2023.

It had been five years since his brother and honorary sister had disappeared and the empty hole that had been left behind had not even begun to mend. Dewey's only solace was his remaining sibling, Huey.

He'd probably, no, definitely go insane if he lost Huey too.

Every year, on the anniversary of their siblings' disappearance, the two of them would spend the day together. They'd sit and talk around in Webby's room, which mostly remained untouched. Beakley had put up a fuss when Scrooge suggested they redecorate, and the room remained just as it was when Webby used it. Untouched by time and it's scarring events.

After that, Huey and Dewey would go to Funso's and spend the rest of their day there.

Despite the many years that had passed, they never lost hope that they would see Webby and Louie again. They weren't dead, they couldn't be!

Dewey had just finished his breakfast, buttered toast with an Italian omelette (Louie's favourite, he fondly smiled), and was on his way to fetch Huey.

Dewey knocked on Huey's bedroom door. "Hue?"

"Come in."

Dewey pushed the door open and went in, noticing the redness of his brother's eyes.

"Nightmares?" Dewey softly asked, moving to sit next to Huey.

"Yeah." He sighed, but his voice shook as he continued speaking. "I don't know why I get them so often. It's been years, Dewey! I should be over this! Everytime, it's the sa-same thing and I see you and Uncle Donald and M-Mom j-just lying there, and-"

"Shh, it's fine, Huey. You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Thanks." Huey managed a smile. "God, I wish Louie were here. He had a way to make us all feel alright after an adventure or something. You are horrible at comforting someone."

"Sorry." Dewey said. "I might not know how to do that, but I do know how to do this!" With that enthusiastic remark, he hugged Huey with all his might.

"You do give the best hugs." Huey croaked out while being crushed by Dewey's strong arms. "Okay, need to breath."

Dewey pulled back with the biggest grin on his face. "Mission accomplished, baby! You're no longer all grumpy and sad. Now come on, freshen up, have breakfast, and then we go do our thing."

"Stop mother-henning me."

"Someone has to do it." Dewey sing-songed as he got up and walked out the door.

"I hate you."

"Love you too, big bro."

Huey sighed as he pushed his covers away with a smile. Now was not the time to wallow in sadness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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Siblings in Crime, ft. Louie and Webby ~a DuckTales fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now