🔞 Chapter 10: Beach Day 🔞

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(Disclaimer: This one is more 18+ than the others due to anal sex. If you don't like this, then skip this chapter please!)

There was absolutely zero warning given, before their bedroom door was flung open on it hinges. The sound of wood banging against the wall did little to hide the low growl coming from the dark-haired Uchiha; and before Sakura could even think to finish her thoughts, let alone speak them, in walked...

"OH MY GOD...," Sakura shrieked wildly while she tugged the cotton sheets upwards and well past her scalp; attempting to hide herself beneath the soft, silky material; in an effort to try and hide her naked (slightly sweaty) body... from curious blue eyes. The woman heard her lover curse beneath his breath, before he yelled so loudly that Sakura was certain that the entire house could hear him.



After the morning that they had, which consisted of constant deadly glares from a certain Uchiha and nervous glances from a certain Uzumaki, the small group of friends had packed a few beach- going essentials before finally managing to make their way down to the private beach; just a short way away from their current home. The day was slightly chilly, (due to their rather early morning start) but nobody was complaining much... for it was supposed to be a rather hot and humid day later on; starting in the premature midday hours and going well into the late, evening ones.

As soon as her sandal-clad feet touched the tan- colored sand, Sakura removed her footwear from her extremities and began to walk barefoot along the sandy path next to Sasuke, clasping his hand in hers, while he held their shared pack on one of his wide shoulders. He had insisted on carrying their belongings, and Sakura knew better than to argue with him about it. Sasuke was as stubborn as a damn mule most of the time; though, it was one of the many qualities that she admired most about him.

She smiled up at him when he looked at her with a faint smirk; her side bumped into his before she began to swing their arms between them happily. "Aren't you even the least bit excited to be here, Sasuke? I mean, look at this view! It is absolutely breathtaking...," she breathed out on a soft sigh; her gaze shifting to the ocean before them, while his remained on her side profile.

"Yeah, it is," he spoke softly; almost too low for her to properly hear him and when she turned to look at him once again, her cheeks heated; turning a bright shade of pink when she realized that her boyfriend wasn't talking about the ocean; that he was actually referring to her instead.

Sakura could feel the stirring of desire starting to build within her core the longer he stared into her viridescent eyes with his darker ones; but before she could try and change the direction in which things seemed to be heading, someone bumped into her side; not just once, but twice. And not so kindly either.

The blonde-haired moron moved between them, effectively separating their connected hands and made a gagging sound in the back of his throat; while he hoisted his and Hinata's respective bags onto his shoulders more securely. "Come on, you two; don't be gross," he groaned before scurrying away from them when he felt the icy tentacles of death itself creeping up on the back of his neck. The Uchiha continued to glare murderously at his best friend's back, while the blonde walked at a respective and safe distance ahead of them.

The pinkette giggled awkwardly while she tried to alleviate some of the growing tension with easy conversation; before twisting her hair into a loose-fitting bun; leaving a few strands hanging down on either side of her face.

"This spot should be fine you guys; for when high tide comes in later," Ino declared, before pausing to stretch her arms above her head. Each couple picked out a spot close by, before removing their towels from their bags to stretch them out on the sand beneath their feet.

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